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Posts posted by ryland_moore

  1. No worries, Muffy! I am just having fun too. Can you tell I am opinionated today? I could start an argument with a wall just for the sake of arguing. God, when is 5:00 gonna come?

  2. so what do you call a rich boy who wants to be a good ol' boy ??
    A good ol' boy is not defined by the amount of wealth one does or does not have. It is based on a persona, an attitude, and likes and dislikes. There are plenty of both wealthy and poor individuals who meet the criteria and who do not. I do not know why you keep referring to me as wealthy, which I am far from. I am not my parents and they do not treat me any differently then I would suspect anybody else's parents treat them.
  3. Women that hang around a good ol' boy are typically atractive, articulate, and are always up for having a good time. Women who hang around the WT redneck variety are just that- WT.

  4. There is a clear difference between a good ol' boy and your typical run-of-the-mill PWT trailer park redneck. A good ol' boy can be found quite often hangin' with the boys, fishing down by the river drinking a pabst or sippin on a good kentucky bourbon. A Good ol' boy is also quite fond of hunting, and can be found roasting a pig in the back yard many weekends out of the year. A WT redneck is most often found on Jerry Springer. Please don't confuse the two.

  5. Only one on the list who would make a true "Good ol' boy" list is probably Sisu, and maybe Greg. Where I come from, y'all ain't mean enough or redneck enough to be classified as good ol' boys. Trask, sittin' on your dock and sippin' on a high life might get you close, but you are still missing something. Send me a pic with you, your High Life, a wife beater, and a pair of jorts ('Neck for 'jean shorts') and I will concur with you being on the list. Also, you ain't flyin' the stars and bars off your dock. Why not? Slacker! Heading out to go sight in my 7mm .08 for the upcoming season.

  6. Snow Creek Wall has fallen down. Do not go there. Also, tons of rattlesnakes up the trail to where Snow Creek Wall used to be. About 2-3 climbers/hikers per day were coming to the hosiptal suffereing from rattlesnake bites. Turn around before it is too late! No reason to go to Snow Creek Wall. Also heard the Enchantments were about to fall down too. Do not go there. Just boulder in and around Leavenworth and you should be safe.


  7. O.K. I've been searching on the Internet and keep getting differing statements regarding what forms of ID you need to get into Canada. I am headed up to Johnstone Straight on Vancouver Island next weekend for some sea kayaking and my girlfriend doesn't have a passport. Can she get by with a driver's license, a birth certificate, and SS card? Or are we screwed?

  8. of course ryland you are under the protection of the tool! you are entering a police state. please register your intent so that you may be tracked and have your personal info forwarded to headquarter for scrutinization. be prepared to be hassled and have your wilderness experience ruined by the police, because visting your public land is a benefit extended to you, only if you comply to destructive forrest service and nps policies.


    thank you for shopping and disney lands north cascades entertainment facility.


    and if you would like this message repeated in spanish, cantonesse, germna, japanesse, latin, pig latin, uruduku or ebonics please press #11


    yellaf.gifyellaf.gif Guess I will have to just crack out my camo a bit before hunting season starts this year!
  9. So, we left extra early on Friday, hoping to score a permit up at Sahale Moraine camp. No Dice. A boy scout troop had 12 folks up there and the rest of the permits were gone by 9:30am. We thought about doing Balck Peak but my girlfriend decided we should do a day hike on Saturday since the weather was so bad, and then attempt a one day ascent of Sahale. This coming from a girl who has never hiked more than 6 miles in a day with no pack! Well, we got up early on Sunday and hiked up to the Moraine. I took all of the weight out of her pack heading up the terminal moraine. It was a beautiful day. We roped up and headed up to the summit. Very straight forward. Most folks didn't even have crampons or a rope. Good climb, but a long way to go. If the views were not as good, I'd say the climb/hike may not be worth it. Girlfriend did complain about sore knees and feet. 14 miles round trip. So, is Sahale a good GF route? If she is used to hiking long distances, yes. Other wise I'd say it is a good GF route IF you can score a permit and camp at Sahale Moraine!

  10. does that mean there are going to be hookers!?!?


    Do Rope-gun Hookers count? I dunno, maybe Timmay can line up some strippers from the Bend strip club to come out to the Grasslands?!


    Also, we need to find a large source of pallets to burn. Gotta have a raging fire to hang around! Who's gonna head out early and grab campsites for all of us? bigdrink.gif


    No Beck this is not your definition of planning. This is everyone contribute something to a fun weekend and let's all make this happen. Not, I am going to get 30 sponsors to sponsor MY Rope Up and invite all the CC.comers to join the Mounties, Access Fund, AAC, WAC, Mazamas, Obsidians, UW Outdoor Club, WWU Outdoor Club, and Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce to a climbing function.


    Hey, maybe Redpoint can sponsor our "Burn some shit and get drunk" Smith Rock Rope-Up? (sarcasm)


    We could also have some speed climbing competitions, where the loser from each round has to jump into the crooked river and the winner.... well the winner doesn't have to jump into the Crooked River? yellaf.gif

  11. How about go to Mongolia for a month or so, climb a little there, then come back and do a one or two month road trip in NA? Best of both worlds, and you all can get an early start on learning to compromise, which is what you will have to do from now until death do you both part.

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