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Everything posted by climbwhat

  1. Got good veiw of entire N Ridge Stuart on Sunday 1-3-01 from high on 8-mile buttress. Could see from Gendarme to the very toe of ridge, the summit was in clouds. Still quite a bit of snow hanging on ledges. The long low angle slabs E side of ridge between the 5.7 pinnacle to the base of gendarme are completely loaded to ridge line, though there is a large fracture in the snow field I didnt see three weeks ago. Looks like its starting to break up. The standard rap gully right to avoid gendarme is all snow. It looked like the upper mounatin got a slight dusting at the weekend. Dave
  2. Rockfall off Dragontail? its almost zilch. Been up Colchuck and Dragontail Peaks twice in last three weeks. There's almost nothing comming off Dragontail right now, few fist sized rocks, sure they are dangerous. Its brown trowsers time on Asgard pass though, especially the far climbers left. To the two people who post holed down Asgard 7pm Sat with skis on packs (I'd love to hear that story) your tracks were burried in two completely seperate places at 2.00am Sunday morning from a very sporty rock fall, I reckon you heard it from your camp, everyone else around the lake did. One boulder about VW bug size made it from near top of the pass to the last rock pile immediately above yer camp in that clump of trees. We glissaded its track Sunday noon. Thanks for all the great route info above
  3. Any beta on the route and in particular the obvious narrow gully from the ground up to the notch W of Tower route start, I know this is not part of the Tower route in the Beckey guide. Anyone climbed that gully. Dave daxve.rxeid@phxilips.com without the three x's
  4. You wrote: Will training cardiovascular endurance (ie long slow distance) inhibit gains made by training for power (lifting weights)? [/b] Dan, I'll try straight to your point. For the last 12 months I have very closely monitored my workout program and results three ways, for cardio, muscle strength and how its all shaped up for climbing. During that time my muscular strength and cardio strenght have both increased, "measurably", my relative grades in the climbing gym have gone up measurably and I have managed the hardest and longest of my personal alpine climbs. I have not noticed any trade offs between the two, absolutely none. My weight has remained constant. Any drop in cardio has always been traceable to schedule variations in my cardio workout and any drop in strength has always been traceable to schedule variations in my strenght workout. I have kept the same excerciese format for 12 months without changes and noted every excercise, weight and number of reps for a year. I do not believe there are any interdependent drawbacks whatsoever to becomming stong in both cardio and strenght with regards to climbing only gains. I have loads of theories on why it works this way but I think a year of consistent results speak for themselves. Hope this helps. Dave Reid
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