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Everything posted by John_Hollett

  1. Dru, how about Matier - anniversary glacier this weekend on a low snow year?
  2. Drove up FS13 last Saturday and got stuck in the mush about 3 1/2 miles from the trailhead and a half mile from the current location of the snowpark. I have an Exploder and even in 4 wheel drive, we got stuck for about an hour. Fortunately, we had our shovels. During the shoveling it was dumping very heavily so we headed East to Silver Star and were rewarded with a beautiful, but long day.
  3. Maybe I'll see you on Denali Scott. I arrive around May 27th. Are you really taking a PC or Sat phone with you? Thanks for the website. Best of luck - John
  4. In safe snow conditions, I would have kept going straight (where you guys branched off to the left) down in the basin. Upon reaching the cliff band take the ramp up to the right for 150'. There you meet a small ridge with trees that's easy to surmount and voila you're up at the Pass. I studied it for a long time and decided that the snow was too sketchy. I get nervous anytime the snow falling off trees creates a slide when it hits the ground. Maybe next time.
  5. You can find some great info at these two sites: http://www.hec.org/info/faqs/climb.htm and http://www.project-himalaya.com/info-trekking-peaks.html. The Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) has classified 18 peaks in Nepal as 'trekking peaks', a misleading name because all involve climbing. Ranging from 5650-6500m (18,537-21,325ft) some are, however, appropriate heights to combine within a trekking program. "Limited bureaucracy" peaks would be a better name. You can rent everything you need in Kathmandu in the Thamel district. You can also find great info at the Kathmandu Guest House on guide services/trekking agencies that you need to sign up with. There's tons of scammers walking the streets, trust your instincts and you'll have the time of your life. ps - Be prepared for the smog in Kathmandu by taking a dust mask or bandana(s) along. It may not bother you, but it did me.
  6. You guys passed me at the Eldorado Trailhead in the morning. After a few hours experiencing "The Challenge of the North Cascades" I called it quits and drove up to MP 21. I followed your tracks (one skin/one snowshoe) up to where you went into the trees beyond the Cascade Pass parking lot. I continued in the open for another 150' and decided to call it good due to the unconsolidated snow. I could hear you guys talking above me as various slide chunks came much too close. Having spent almost every weekend this year in the Cascades, the snowpack I/we encountered at Cascade Pass was the worst I've seen this year.
  7. It was great meeting you guys and doing a summit with you. We'll have the photo's within a week or so. If you post your digital's anywhere, please let me know or shoot them to me in email: johnhol@home.com. Cheers, John
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