DFMedia Posted 13 hours ago Probably every person dreams of a big house. We rarely connect the construction of our house with geodesy. And yet we need not only a site and building materials so that our house is built. First of all, a building permit is necessary. Therefore, at the very beginning, the geodesist should mark the building on the ground. The period of cooperation with it lasts from the moment of purchase of land until real estate commissioning. The surveyor also, in particular, is engaged in the determination of the places of leading connections. The plan of the building - what is it? It is extremely important that they are fulfilled according to the plan for the development of the site. In order to start construction, a construction company needs clear landmarks, where to start work. We are talking about the preparation of excavations for the foundation of our house. Reasoning can be marked by driving stakes into the ground in the corners of the building under construction. The geodesist makes appropriate distinctions to the construction log. The next step will be the installation of continuous foundations. At this stage, high -altitude points are determined that determine the level of the foundation of the benches and the floor of the first floor of the building. All measurements that are made at the construction site, the surveyor enters the construction journal. Fundaments, construction line, executive inventory The project must indicate the height, depth and width of the foundations. It is also important to maintain their level of performance. Events related to the creation of foundations are also entered into the construction log, and their correctness should be approved by the head of construction. The next stage is the measures related to the wall development line. Design documentation determines its implementation. Masonry can begin work and begin the construction of the walls of the house. When the construction is completed, you can start geodetic work. The purpose of the inventory is to fix the changes and verification of the building and adjacents for compliance with the project. These measurements are noted on maps of the geodetic resource. Also prepared the relevant cards for putting the building into operation. Based on the measurements made, the geodesist is geodetic and cartographic documents and marketing shooting. The first must contain data on the changes made, which should be included in the master card. Regarding the inventory of the compounds, it is necessary to attach information about their compliance with the project. Geodetic surveys, in turn, relate to all marketing documentation prepared at specific stages of construction. The original documentation should be transferred to the department of geodetic and cartographic documentation. Thanks to them, the data contained in the register of land and real estate and in the register of engineering networks will be updated. The owner of the built house also receives copies of all documents. Wenn Sie Ihres Jobs überdrüssig sind und Ihr Leben radikal ändern wollen, aber kein Geld haben, sollten Sie unbedingt die casinoin -Website ausprobieren und Sie werden Erfolg haben.
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