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[TR] Black Peak - South Face Ski 5/3/2013


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Trip: Black Peak - South Face Ski


Date: 5/3/2013


Trip Report:

With lots of new snow and warm temps forcasted, Eric W and I conservatively planned to scope out and ski a steep west face, which wouldn't see sun until early afternoon. When this face wasn't in shape we resorted to plan B, a ski of the South Face of Black Peak.


We found surprisingly good cohesion between the new snow and the carvable crust underneath on all but east facing slopes in the afternoon. There was some pinwheeling and big snowballs coming down on south slopes but no wet slide propagation. N faces skied nice with some smooth porn (powder corn).


A fun day in the mountains with stellar weather and good skiing. We probably did about 6500 vf on the day. Would have been nice to slay a steeper objective but that wasn't in the cards for this day.


SE and NE Faces of Black.



Ascending S Face



Descending S Face





An E Facing Bowl



Hippy Porn on the Descent




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