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WTB - short express screws

B Deleted_Beck

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Before I go drop a chunk on some brand new 'uns, figgered I'd see if'n somebody here has a set first.


Looking for sub 1lb., or at least right around 1lb for the set, flick-lock, minimum 47".. pow baskets preferred, but those are easy enough to order up, if not. Probably lookin' at another set of women's. Don't care about color.




ALSO needing some other stuff, and might as well throw it in here and see if I can get out of paying retail...


CAMP Photon carabiners - how many you got?


Light weight key-lock carabiners - the smaller and lighter the better


And I'm gonna be trying to switch out my Turbos for Expresses - Looking for 10cm and 13cm... two of each would be cool.


All good condition, please









All obtained except screws... still need dem.

Edited by Ben B.
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