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Mt. Hood May


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I'm looking for a partner or two that is experienced in glacier climbing and crevasse rescue. I'm stationed at the Air Force Base near Spokane, WA. Myself and a friend are wanting to climb Mt. Hood sometime maybe late May. If you're interested please message me. The biggest peak I've bagged is Mount Stuart, which I did this past August. Thanks for looking at the post and let me know if you're intersted. -Mark


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Sorry I should have said this before. I was thinking Hogsback which I know is fairly easy. I guess we're kind of looking for an experienced partner to bag Hood with and possibly learn some glacier climbing techniques... to move on to harder climbs. I'd be open to other routes than Hogsback as well. Thanks for your post!

Edited by markymark07
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Sorry I should have said this before. I was thinking Hogsback which I know is fairly easy. I guess we're kind of looking for an experienced partner to bag Hood with and possibly learn some glacier climbing techniques... to move on to harder climbs. I'd be open to other routes than Hogsback as well. Thanks for your post!


There are a couple-few routes up the crater rim to the summit that you can take from the Hogsback. Traditionally, I think, when people say "Hogsback," they mean Pearly Gates- but Pearlies have apparently become a technical climb in the last few years (much to my surprise, recently). Most guys are taking one of the chutes up the steep snow slope to the left of the Hogsback - Old Chute being the most well known, Mazama Chute seems to be the popular pick right now.


You probably won't have any trouble finding somebody to go up with... but keep in mind, for most guys with a lot of experience, the South Side is just a long, slow, boring slog up a big hill... So if you want somebody with a lot of experience, you might have to hire a local guide. Which isn't necessarily a bad idea, and not necessarily expensive.


I'm not a guide, and still consider myself a pretty big noob... But I have a handful of Hood climbs under my belt, and climbing more frequently all the time. Feel free to PM me later in the season, maybe I can go up with you guys.

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