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i think you errantly put a "L" in the word attitude. and on a side note on the same evening i will be having a slide show titled "peolpe who are more interested in their own and good friends accomplishments, then a self promoting person whom has goals to which most poeple dont even care about" you can also buy the book.free referesments.

i just think it the fact that other people like to promote themselves for marketing reasons is ridiculous, i in no way take away from anyones acomplishments, especailly if i do not know them, but who gives a f#&k what anyone else climbed, it makes sooooooo little baring on my entire life, then again i am sure no one cares what i type on this website either and just like others climbing accomplishment has no baring anywhere else,someone help me with this but i think that old kook nietsche was talking about celebrating false idols and getting caught up in it and losing your own identity and then wasting away dreaming of others accomplishments......maybe not, but sounds like a good thing.......to practice.

have fun kris and rod and i hope someone else cares for your slide show cause i will be relishing in my own glory!!!!!!!!!!1 vie va la erik

and by the way not everyone who gives slideshows at thf is a sellout...........

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally posted by KeithKSchultz:When I started climbing there was no such thing as gortex, recurved picks, plastic boots and a long list of other "common" tools that all these whiners refer to having used in their posts on this site. Who the hell do you think developed those things? It wasn't Dagwood and Herb in their garage you idiots. If you use their tools or the technologies their corporate structures helped develop you are part of the "problem". Grow up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

gore tex was created by the gore company in a test to create artificial skin for burn victims.- not a climbing company

soft shelled plastic was intially used i beileve by dupont or nasa to create better equipment for astronuats, then adopted by a ski boot company- not a climbing company

recurved picks were invented by chouinard, whos company couldnt stand up to litigation- that would be poor corporate structure

so sure these things were invented but not by the current climbing capitalistic corporate struture. i think most material sciences happens outside the climbing world and they just pick it up and apply it from there. so sure this stuff was invented but only one by a climber

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