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G3 skis delam ;-(


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I bought a pair of G3 Rapid Transits last Jan (2008). About late july I noticed both skis were delaminating on the outside edge of the ski (they are asymmetrical so I always have the right one on the right foot) right at the center of the binding. Same place on both skis, right where the colored topsheet meets the white sidewall. I can see the fibers of the wood through the slit! Anyone else had an issue with their new G3s delaming? Only 6 months after I bought them too. They were on about their 100th day of skiing, but still I think this has got to be a manufacting defect and should be covered under warranty. No major side impacts or anything to suggest I could possible cause this.

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Generally, once a ski has delaminated enough that the wood core is at all exposed; the ski is quite likely toast (it will absorb water, internally swell up and rapidly cause more delamination (yes, a little glimpse of the obvious here).


Were I you, I'd argue strongly for a new pair (gratis) from the good folks at Great Guides Gear.

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