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John Angulo and myself went to Vantage on Saturday and climbed Fugs Falls, which looked a bit anemic from the base but turned out to be fine and quite entertaining. After that we headed to Frenchman Falls, which looked potentially dangerous from the road, but we wanted to take a close look to be sure. Up close it was tantalizing but we deemed it unsafe to climb due to open water and dangerous danglers at the top of the route. On this trip I got to try out a new set of tools for the 2nd time, DMM Rebels, which Marmot Mountain Works of Bellevue and DMM graciously loaned me to demo. The jury is still out but so far I'm finding them very light and nimble with a good head weight and center of balance. They have super comfortable handles with built in pinky rest/knuckle guard and built in adjustable trigger finger rests. They seem super well built and look sexy as hell. Below are some photos from the climb and of the DMM axes.


First view of Fugs Falls on approach from the Feathers parking lot





At the base of Fugs Falls we meet Chris and Ryan climbing the route



Jeff leading up the bottom tier of the route... the only climbing photo we managed to get



On the way back to the Feathers parking lot we get a

distant view of our next objective... Frenchmans Falls



Approaching Frenchmans Falls





Open water and dangerous dangling ice on the top part of the route





At the base of Frenchmans Falls



Last look up the route before running away... dont want

to climb under the dangerous danglers of death...

not as easy to appreciate from looking at these photos

as by being there and seeing it with the naked eye



DMM Rebels... bad ass and sexy


Edited by jstreet
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It was early afternoon when we we at Frenchmans but I dont think it would make a difference... huge open water slot at top with egg shell remenants dangling and getting hosed by high volumes of water.


Fugs was in great condition wasen't it?! Did you guys make the treck over to Running Gear, it looked really big from the road when we were there last Wednesday. Frenchman looks a lot better from a week ago, but still needs some time it looks like from your pics. Good climbing. It got warm on this side of the mountains today, hopefully things stay in condition for a little while longer. Did any of those drips to the left or right of Frenchman look climbable?

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