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Losing winter access to the Ghost River?


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Interesting conversation on live-the-vision:




This spring Jamie McVicar, Joe Buzowski and myself met with Roger from Alberta Sustainable Resources and drove through the Ghost and he showed us what was proposed. He said that there was still going to be vehicle access to the Banff Boundry and to the river crossing around STD. We would not be allowed to cross the river any more. Also, random camping was being eliminated, you would only be able to camp at the bottom of the big hill and at the old CMC camp at Wully Wall. We explained to Roger that the Ghost was a world class ice climbing destination and not being able to drive accross the river was going to be a big deal in the winter. He basically had no idea that people even use the ghost in the winter or at least that was the impression he gave me. We basically asked for some kind of winter access to the ice climbs, at least as far as This House of Sky, and some more random camping spots. We showed him around and he seemed pretty okay with everything.


When we got back from this little meeting, we emailed the people from the ACC and even had a conference call with them, they seemed to have no idea about the scope of the proposed closure for the Ghost, especially the ice access. Jamie knows a bit more about this, but I guess the ACC was one of the groups given "standing" at some of the user group meeting in the planning stage.


I now hear that basically they are going ahead with the orginal plan, no special winter access and just the camping spots I mentioned. This is what I know so far, if your hearing more, please post it. Jamie may know more and post it, but this is a huge blow especially for ice climbing. Crossing creeks in 20 below weather just ain't fun, and makes climb's in the valley of the dogs a pretty big day. Contact the ACC, call your MLA or if you have any other great ideas, jump on it. I don't know if it will make any difference, but it sure can't hurt at this stage.


Look forward to hearing what other people might know or heard.


Thanks Howie




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Loss of Vehicular Access to Ghost River

The Ghost River Valley of Alberta holds some of the finest rock and ice climbs in the Canadian Rockies. Unfortuately, the climbing community is on the verge of losing access! Whether you dream of visiting the Ghost River Valley or regularly enjoy its offerings, please take a moment right now to sign the Calgary Mountain Club's petition to the Canadian government, to be submitted Friday, September 30th.



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