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Mountain Ascent Challenge - North Cascades - Saturday Sept 21st


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NOTE: This is an unorganized event, no sponsors, no nothing, fully supported by ourselves and friends

Date: Saturday September 21st

Teams: 3-4 Co-Ed

Where: Mountain Loop Highway: Pilchuck, Dickerman, Vesper


Very similar to the Eco-Challenge, as everyone in the group has to complete the race, and there is to be at least one woman for each team of 3-4. Flags will be placed on the route which will have to be retrieved by teams for each checkpoint.


The challenge will start from the Mt Pilchuck trailhead (3100 feet)

Teams will hit the summit (5324', 3 miles one way) and then scramble down to Frozen Lake beneath the lookout tower. From here they will scramble across the summit ridge towards Pinnacle Lake, and then take the Pinnacle Lake trail to the bottom where bikes will await them for the ride down to the Mountain Loop highway.


Continuing on the Mountain Loop highway, teams will make their way to the Mt Dickerman trailhead (approx 9 miles, I will get exact figures) where they will either sleep or continue on. Trailhead is at 2000', and the summit is at 5723 after 4.3 miles of hiking one way.


After bagging the summit of Mt Dickerman teams will then descend (if they wish, or camp) and get back on the bikes at the trailhead where they will then ride the Mountain Loop Highway towards the Sunshine Mine trail (4 miles or so) which will take them towards the summit of Vesper Peak. Trail is 4.0 miles to the summit with an elevation gain of 4100 feet. Summit is at 6214'.


From there they will descend back to the trailhead, get on the bikes and head back to the finish line which will be the Verlot Ranger Station that is about 16.5 miles.


All teams must complete at the same time, and they must stay together at all times.


If one person needs to rest, then they all rest. This is an endurance climb/race, so don't underestimate it. I have climbed all these peaks, but never all in the same day, and never on a bike, so it is a true challenge. You would have to be crazy to want to do this. So are you ready?


Here are the facts:

Mileage hiking:

Mileage biking: approx: 40 (7 miles are downhill from Mt Pilchuck)

Elevation Gain: 10,100'


We will need volunteers that will be at checkpoint throughout the race, such as the

Mt Pilchuck Lookout

Mt Pilchuck trailhead

Verlot Ranger Station

Dickerman Trailhead

Dickerman Summit

Sunshine Mine trailhead

Vesper Summit


register your teams ASAP!




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