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[TR] Tumolo Mountain- SW to East Bowl 4/29/2004


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Climb: Tumolo Mountain-SW to East Bowl


Date of Climb: 4/29/2004


Trip Report:

Tumolo. Nice roadside attraction just North and slightly East of Mt. Bachelor. Trail head at Dutchman Flats snowpark less than a mile from Mt. Bachelor West Village parking. A spring afternoon and Timmy and I meet after work at Mt. B then coverge on an empty Dutchman's snowpark. 1430, Skins on, packs on and off through the pine litter, Alder and cinder dust. Tim sets a reasonable pace through the forest. Snow soon gets cleaner and we break out of the trees to the upper meadows and then on to the summit.


Timmy on the summit




Excellent views all around. Broken Top and Sisters wilderness always a treat.




Skins off, packs back on and we slip to the North side of the summit, push into the bowl, Timmy first and make arcs down the East Bowl. Not quite supreme corn, but good enough. Just a slight ice forming on the late afternoon snow.


our tracks in East Bowl




Skining back out of the bowl there was a distinct feel of the snowpack, an almost audible whoomph as it would settle. We hoofed it out of the bowl, traversed below the summit and accessed the glades above the South face trees. Fine corn and sweet turns. Back into the trees and Timmy leads effortlessly, soft turns through lengthening shadows and soon enough we arrive back at Dutchmans snowpark. Short enough for a late afternoon spring tour, Tumolo can't be beat.


Gear Notes:

Fritchi freerides, Rossi T4's and XXX's. Ascension skins.


Approach Notes:

No approach, skining just out of the parking lot. Snow pack will soon force boot packing a ways.

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shizzle! we're gonna have a spring tour followed by a tailgate at the dutchman lot next week baby. I'm thinking next thursday if the weather is good, get the bend crew skin up, camel backs filled with 20" brown, back to the lot for brawtz and smack talkin! good pics, i look so meditative on top huh :P


thanks for the pics b-dog

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