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Utah Woman Charged with Murdering Fetus


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This woman was so worried about a scar that she let one of her two unborn babies die rather than have a caesarean section. I think that with a face like that a scar isn't going to make a lot of difference.



Ya know CBS, I don't feel contempt for the woman as much as pity. According to her attorney the woman has a long history of mental illness. Though it's certainly appalling that the woman didn't use legal birth control (e.g., the Pill, etc.)


What I find interesting is the following:


"Critics of the charges say the case could affect abortion rights and open the door to the prosecution of mothers who smoke, fail to follow their obstetrician's diet or take some other action that endangers a fetus."


I think there have been a least one other case where a drug addicted mother was charged with child endangerment. One would hope that in today's world with education a pregnant mother would not abuse her fetus with drugs and other harmful activities. Seems it's a continuum of varying degree, e.g., what about the mother that overfeeds her child so he becomes obese? Isn't there nutritional information widely available that alerts people to the potential dangers of obesity?


And, how would you have it? Let the government regulate reproduction?

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As abominable as her actions were she cannot be held responsible for murder. It is not within the law. If society cares enough about unborn children of insane persons it should pass a law that allows temporary committment of pregnant women by a court order. I still believe that if a sane person decides not to consent to surgery that should be respected.

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It's just another backdoor way to chip away at a woman's right to choose. The case is pretty interesting, though, because it brings in a whole chorus of arguments about natural homebirth. I can't wait for the Law & Order episode based on this one.

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