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Alpine Rock Routes


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Another change to the 4th edition of the Oly Climbers Guide will be the addition of an Alpine Rock section. Some existing routes in the book will see significant revision, information and sketches added, but also some new routes will be added. Even though the Olympics aren't thought of as having great alpine technical rock, there are some great exceptions as many of you who've spent time in the Olympics know. That said, we are soliticing suggestions for any routes that you feel merit specific attention in this new section. This is seperate from the new crags section, and will consist of climbs that are 5th class, are more than a casual hike from the road, and are worthy of detailed description. Examples would include certain routes on Constance, the Needles, Sawtooths etc.


There will be time before the book goes to editing for field work smile.gif.


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I did the west ridge of Constance this year. Fortunately we left the guide book description at home and we had an excellent, straight forward adventure. Upon return I read the description and I did not think it even came close to being a good description. I think it was more confusing than helpful. I'd be willing to add my $.02 if you want. It's probably popular enough that you already have it figured out.


Along those lines, I also find the descriptions to the finger traverse and the routes on Mt. Washington confusing. Maybe I'm just a gumby.


BTW, if you are seeking photos, I have some.

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I saw your decription from earlier in the year and the photos you posted. Looked like a great outing. That is one of the routes we would like to feature in that section. We plan on going out next year, going over the route, and compilling comments from others (such as yourself) to put together a (much needed) better description. This is typical for a lot of the routes in the book, though the total number to get special attention in the Alpine Rock section will be fairly low. I'd welcome any additional info you have.


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