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Going without food would never be my gig, but nevertheless it's an impressive display of will power and suffering. Funny thing for climbers to hope someone's self-endangering antics kill them, wouldn't you say?


"I'm not down with that kind of idiot. He's got his lunacy all wrong."


David Blaine is an illusionist. I visited a blog site over the last couple of days and I saw a reference to how he performed the 44 day fast. Problem is, I can't locate that reference again. Apparently, he sneaks out at night and sneaks back in, under cover of someone cleaning the seethrough panel on the box. The lighting is arranged so that he can do this without being observed directly.


Have you seen the magician who debunks the 'magic' performed by his kind? This guy showed how Blaine appeared to levitate. These are all tricks and illusions. The medium of TV and film allows easier creation of illusions and we all know that seeing is believing. But what aren't you seeing?


I'd like to believe there's real magic and you would too. That's probably the illusionist's best ally. That and their knowledge of psychology.

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