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lI1|1! said:

looks like canaduh is 10 years behind the u.s. with regard to it's leadership using drugs. rolleyes.gif


Actually, it's the other way 'round. Our leadership not only have used drugs: they're quite open about it. Our Minister of Justice (Attorney-General equivalent) was asked a few years ago if he had ever smoked marijuana. His answer? (paraphrased) "I'm 45 years old; of course I've smoked marijuana. Next question?" And that was it - no storm of controversy, no Congressional Committees subpoenaing witnesses to try to run him out of his job, nothing. They just went on to the next question - something to do with reforming the parole system. By contrast, I suspect if a US Attorney-General gave the same answer to that question they'd have to tender their resignation within the hour.


Actually a number of politicians and candidates have admitted that they inhaled - Swarzenegger being the most recent example - and there was relatively little controversy. The only time it becomes a story is when a politician vehemently denies using drugs, cheating on his wife, or some other such transgression and evidence surfaces that suggests that the said politician lied about his conduct. It's generally not the behavior that causes the scandal - its the fact that the person lied about it, which raises questions about their trustworthiness, and naturally makes people wonder what else that they have lied about. If pretending otherwise helps Canadians cope then far be it for me to shatter these illusions though.... yellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif

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