So for this winter, as @Doug_Hutchinson alluded to, I present to the ice community a new observations page:
I think that we could record observations of ice in the field in a more organized, easy to search manner, with location pins. Over many years, I believe that this format could have a lot of value because of its clarity and searchability. My dream would be to display historical weather patterns that led to certain observations and awesome insight like that. Facebook posts get buried after a few days. CC Threads are great, but can be tricky to search through and it can be challenging to describe exact locations. This isn't meant to replace CC or anything, more augment it. It's an experiment. I welcome feedback.
This observations page I will maintain with submissions from the community. To make development easier, there's no form for user submissions, just send us an email at and I'll get it up as quickly as possible. There are instructions on the page of what information to include in submissions.
Think cold thoughts and hopefully it'll be a good season!