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Posts posted by pete_a

  1. approx 34 miles, 9000-10,000ft of total gain/loss.


    nice job on the one-day jaunt! i think we might've seen y'all sunday afternoon...we were skiing out across the whitechuck basin and saw some folks moving along pretty fast with sneakers.


    nice weather that weekend and running water at glacier gap let us go rather light on the camping gear and made a 2-day trip carrying ski gear pretty reasonable.



  2. Hadley Peak and the Coleman Pinnacle vicinity (both north of Mt.Baker) hold relatively smooth snow through the entire summer when there's been a good winter snowpack.

    Spray Park/Flett glaciers/Russell glacier (north side of Rainier, Mowich Lake TH) also are good places to look for late summer skiing.








  3. If anyone has been up to Eldorado recently (within the past week) and has pictures of the north side of Forbidden and Moraine Lake, please send me a PM...I'd greatly appreciate taking a look at the pics...I'm wondering how much snow is left on the descent from the Forbidden glacier to Moraine Lake.



  4. fyi,

    this is second hand info, but I know some folks climbed the Adams glacier over memorial day weekend and rather than starting from Killen Creek, they drove north on Rd 23 from Trout Lake as close to Adams as they coudl get then hiked cross-country (relatively open forest, no bushwacking) to treeline on the north side of Adams...they wrote that it added an extra mile or mile and a half to the usual killen creek approach.


    please post a TR if ya go...I'm hoping to head in there later this month.


  5. As others have mentioned, a 3-person tent just doesn't work a that well for three people on an extended duration trip. A four-person tent (like the Bombshelter) would be a good way to go, but my two cents is that you should bring a 3-person tent AND a megamid. Use the tent for sleeping only (no gear storage or cookin) and use the megamid for hanging out, cooking, and storing gear. Leave the megamid behind when you head up to 17,000ft and just pack the tent.


  6. A couple years ago when I was getting organized for a two-week ski trip in the Waddington Range I came across this page regarding the 'Warren Miller' trip to climb/ski Waddington:



    The folks who are in the movie did climb it rather than getting dropped off on top...they had a basecamp at the col between Wadd & Combatant...they just used Mike King's heli service for the approach, like most everyone does.


    I was surprised that the Cold Fusion movie did a rather poor job of showing just how spectacular the Waddington Range is. Perhaps they had better footage that ended up on the cutting room floor so they could show the tumble over the 'schrund. Going there and skiing around you'll see far more mindblowing terrain than what ended up in the film (just my two cents).


    Also kinda funny that that tumble which shows up in the movie wasn't even on Waddington itself...from the trip report on the link above, it sounds like after they flew back to Mike King's ranch, they squeezed in one day of actual 'heli skiing' elsewhere nearby for additional footage and thats when the fella went over the schrund.






  7. also we will all have avalanche beacons. is there anything else that i would need??


    1- knowledge of how to use your avy beacon...or friends who will be instructing you how to use beacon before your trip. they ain't much good unless you know what to do with it if theres a slide.


    2- shovel & avy probe....that beacon won't be much use without these two items.



    have fun, good luck.

  8. hopefully harvesting corn on the sw side of red mtn tomorrow before the clouds start to roll in and spoil the spring skiing goodness....only wish i'd had this whole week off so i coulda done more with the nice weather.


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