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Everything posted by Anne

  1. Hey- Good idea, Pub Club down here. We'll see you at the Lucky Lab at 7:00. (One really tall and one medium height women.)
  2. Does anyone know how to get ahold of English lang guidebooks to Chamonix and the Dolomites? All I can find are Alps hiking stuff..
  3. Not exactly Seattle, but... We have a huge room avail here in SW Portland. $400/mo includes own fireplace and bathroom. Best of all you get to live with 2 crazy climber chicks and one cool red head, who doesn't mind us waking up at 4am to go ice climbing. PM if interested.
  4. Anne

    Partners in PDX

    Hi all- Looking for folks in the Portland area to climb with. Interests range from easy trad/sport rock (5.7-5.8) to general mountaineering- (and ice, when you can find it.) Flexible work schedule/ weekends. Drop me a line at anneramzy@hotmail.com.
  5. I'm in- Anyone from Portland want to carpool?
  6. Oh yeah, there is a gulley along the route also that is like a bowling alley, due to the low snowpack- lots of volcanic rock peeling off- helmets are advisable!
  7. I climbed Glacier Peak via Frostbite Ridge about 2 weeks ago, on a rope team the entire time. There weren't a whole lot of visable crevasses, but there were some and there's no telling when they might decide to open up more.(i.e. we practiced crevasse rescue on Kennedy Glacier, right by there.) Due to the low snow pack, Frostbite Ridge had ALOT of scree and talus, kind of a pain. The view at the top was spectacular, though.
  8. Just curious- will the format of the discussion mostly be on rock climbing or will it include mountaineering/ other climbing?
  9. I was wondering if anyone out there also gets High Altitude Systemic Edema. Its a condition, usually found in women, where hands, feet, and sometimes eyelids and facial tissue swell up on descent. The kidneys, for some reason, retain too much salt, and thus the water retention. Systemic Edema is basically harmless, just annoying- but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. It has been my experience in the Cascades to have only hand swelling that lasts for half and hour to an hour. But I did have a rather serious episode after coming down from 17,000 ft in China- my feet swelled up badly for a few days.
  10. Hmmmmm, winter plans. I'm heading down to Joshua Tree, with a possible stop over in the Sierras for Thanksgiving. I was hoping to try a winter ascent of Shasta with a pal of mine, and maybe some other Cascades. How about you?
  11. Hi Lhotse, YOu are not alone- estrogen here to the rescue AND I'm in the Portland area too!
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