Hey All-
I just wanted to take a quick second to thank everyone for visiting and posting all the great threads on the site. I'm truly glad that climbers are using and enjoying this forum. But, being the perfectionist I am, I'm constantly looking for ways to improve this little site we have here, and I NEED YOUR HELP!! Here is how you can help:
I'm sure you have all surfed to quite a few climbing websites and you have said to yourself "This is cool, but I wish they had ....." . Well, let us know, and we'll try to add new featres to the site. Remember, this is YOUR site!
If you have an important news story (Access, Fee/Bolting issue) that you would like to see featured, or if you want to promote a sale/slideshow, let us know, and we'll post it on the news in the BB and on our calendar.
I've seen many awesome personal web pages of folks that live around here, so I know there are some great writers/photographers in our midst. If you would like to share your story, or some of your pictures, please send us an email at
so we can get your masterpiece up on the site for all to see. Besides, if you submit some good stuff, you'll be the first kid on your block to have an ultra-cool cascadeclimbers t-shirt! NEATO
Tell your climbing buddies about the site, because the more the merrier!
Well, that is all I really have for now. Please reply to this thread if you have any ideas, news, or if you just want to say hi. Again, thanks for helping make this site happen!