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Posts posted by jshannon

  1. What's up Tim sounds like I'm in the same boat as you, and I'm interested in advancing. I've been doing the multi-day trips, setting out with a day pack above treeline to mostly Class 3 scrambles with some benign ice thrown in. For the most part I've maxxed out what I should be doing solo. I'm quite sure I've done some Class 4 from overshooting a few routes, so I'm looking at checking out some Class 4 along with some glacier travel. Not especially trying to rappel yet considering I just now ordered a rope small enough to properly do it, all glacier rescue I've gotten drilled in my head by doing it with a industrial/arborist setup. Still, Class 3 with some cool glacier travel sounds good to me. Shoot me a msg if you're interested in joining in on a trip. 

  2. Looking to do a few trips around Marblemount if anybody is interested. Just now making my push from scrambling to glacier travel. Ideally looking for something with an icy traverse going to a Class 3 and maybe some Class 4 rock scramble to summit. Been doing 3:1 pulley at the house along with ascending with prusiks with industrial equipment, I now have it drilled in my head. I have ice axe/crampons, carabiners. Went ahead and bought 30m rope, harness, 2 snow pickets, 19cm ice screw. Objectives I have in mind are El Dorado, Colonial Peak to Snowfield, Bacon Peak, West McMillan Spire, or Elephant Butte, open to others as well. Will climb with anybody really, feel free to reach out and I'll send number/email. Have full, combined highlights of several trip reports of each written down that I can fax or email. I'm not the fastest but I make it, if time is an issue I'm willing to start a day ahead and meet at camp if it's a trailhead I can get to. Snowfield for example, I would want to do in 3 days even though it can be completed in 2 or even 1.

  3. Good stuff, if you think you can get as far north as Bellingham I say lets roll. I don't live in WA but when I am there I usually solo, if I could go with somebody I could advance in glacier travel. Summer objectives. I will have a very basic rack with ice axe and crampons. I'm waiting to see if anybody else is going to invest in 30m single tested half rope/harness/carabiners, with a screw and a picket or 2. I have self rescue and 3:1/5:1 z pulley figured out as well. Highly interested in crossing from Colonial to Snowfield for example. I will be travelling without a vehicle, kind of a pain, but if you are willing to do the same I can send you the info I've come up with. I just don't feel like driving back into the city to drop a rental car back off. I'll shoot you an email or text closer to time.

  4. For sure interested in El Dorado if it's done overnight, been dreaming of it for 6 years now. Looking to upgrade from Class 3-easy 4 scrambles to those that are a little more technical. I haven't taken any classes but I know I have the 3:1/5:1 pully setup figured out along with self rescue with prusiks, I've been doing it on the weekends. Not trying to get into a situation but intend on being prepared to get out of one, so I would like to start with the less crevassed glaciers. If permits are an issue, others that looking good for learning are Bacon Peak and Colonial to Snowfield. In WA I've done Hinman/Daniel, Carrie, and Columbia. I'm not anybody to learn from but I would make a good anchor if something happens.

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