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Crevasse cragging

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Everything posted by Crevasse cragging

  1. Cheers, so this morning I found a ton of crevasses within a couples hours hike of timberline lodge on Hood. I stayed close by the edge because I got there late but if you get there early there’s potentially hundreds of climbable routes. I honestly can’t tell how long they are but the one I checked out nearby the edge was perfect because you could walk in from the moraine slope instead of moving over the glacier. It had 10 ft walls perfect for trying it out and sweet walls and corners that were 50+ ft with everything from dead vertical to overhanging. And the corners were just awesome you could’ve wedged yourself up into the funkiest spots. It’s obviously not great ice but even with the sun coming up it stayed hard enough that it was tricky to get tools out and I put my stakes on the glacier with the sun on them and they held a perfect anchor for at least an hr. I know a lot of people go here and there’s even a trip organized for September but if anybody lives around Hood, I live ten minutes from timberline, and it’d be great to find a belay partner. I’ve been messing around with a double belay device by myself and it definitely works but it’s beyond tricky on most steep ice. I work most days but I should have off at least once a week to go up in the am and I can go up at night most days. I’m definitely a beginner but I get out there a ton so while I might not send the craziest stuff I can at least promise I’ll remember to place the anchor and just overall not do dumb stuff. Ill be here for a while and it only gets better up there.... reach out anytime. -Trevor Ps- there’s some sweet not-too-chossy boulders all over Hood too
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