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Everything posted by NicksCragLife

  1. A few weekends ago, was the unofficial highline fest at smith rock. There are now over 30 lines that can be rigged in the park and I believe that there were 18 rigged at once during the fest. Here are a couple shots from the fest. [img:left]https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206377926260085&set=gm.733863526719325&type=3&theater[/img] [img:left]https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206377925700071&set=pcb.733863526719325&type=3&theater[/img] [img:left]https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10206267666983672&set=gm.727944567311221&type=3&theater[/img] [img:left] [/img]
  2. Well I'm still looking for a darn topo or route info for this crag. I just wanna climb! Come on, someone help a brotha out… just rewards of micro brews may be made…
  3. Hey guys, I'm a local bandit, and i'm looking for peeps to hit up cougar west of town? also anyone with beta on that mysterious place???
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