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About Jeffery09

  • Birthday 03/08/1990

Jeffery09's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Looking to get away and head to the PNW for a week at the end of October. Does anyone have any suggestions on possible ski descent of anything in Washington and oregon? I know this time period is prone to sporatic weather but I figured I would ask. I have ski descents of Hood, Rainier, South sister and St. Helens. Just curious as to if any of the volcanoes had a massive snowpack this year. Thanks! Any suggestions?
  2. I am looking for some advice. I have been into mountaineering for a few years but now looking to expand and learn some sport climbing. I know how to belay and I know how to tie in ( basics from glacier travel). I will be living in Fresno california this summer and was wondering how to best approach learning. Would you recommend a specific class? If so, could you recommend an outfitter. My goal is to join a few friends in the tetons in July on the owen spaulding route. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the help. Hoping the night of the 18th goes, as I am tickled to get down the the south sister area and then check out crater lake!
  4. Greetings! Ill be in the Mt hood area with a few climbing buddies from the 18th -23rd this month. I have lots of experience climbing back east but the only PNW climbs I have is Rainier twice and St helens. I was wondering if some locals would like to chime in on reading the weather for Hood. Sounds a little bogus but small local detail can make a difference. Looking to summit early on the 19th if all goes well up the south route.Also, if anyone that has been up the route, how is the pearly gates looking?? Thanks
  5. It sucks only having a few weeks off of school while still wanting to plan a climb. I wish we had more of a window but thats all we have
  6. Agreed, And we always have the south sister that we could drive down to and if weather is awful then we have skiing at Mt bachelor next to the south sister. Just trying to have multiple options due to probable weather problems!
  7. Two buddies and myself will be flying into portland Dec 18th to hopefully to find a weather window for Mt Hood. We have until the 23rd but if the weather window doesnt work out, we will probably just head to St Helens and do a ski descent. Between the 3 of us we have experience on Mt rainier, helens, shasta and adams. However this would be our first winter climb and were looking to find someone that knew the Mountain to join us! I am not interested in paying a guide. If anyone is interested please let me know! We are all medical students flying in and hopefully the weather pans out!
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