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Dale Smith

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Everything posted by Dale Smith

  1. The 'Highlight' of your trip should really be that everyone made it off the mountain safe, including you. Anyone who is involved in a heli rescue puts themselves in harms way anytime they set foot in a helicopter or on the trail to extricate a fellow climber or hiker from any where in the mountains. This climber you talk about managed to survive the fall and injuries he sustained....many are less fortunate than him. He still has time to recover. Please keep him, his family, in your thoughts. Thanks to those who put risk first to save him.
  2. Nice work Eric, glad you went back this year. Dale
  3. North cascades Wa. looking down upon Lyman lakes upper, and lower.
  4. Thanks for the Picture, that is rad. If I remember right, you summited? do you have a trip report for your solo?
  5. Trip: Riddle Peak, Holden Wa. - From Holden Date: 7/9/2010 Trip Report: It is hard to find peaks around Holden village that not many people have done, with that thought in my mind, and a whole 7 months to spend at Holden, I did some research. I found out that Riddle peak is for sure do able in a day and is easy class 3. I thought this would be a perfect peak to try and solo for my first time soloing anything. I set out from Holden at 6 in the morning, and made it to devore pass at around 9, after a little offtrail route finding. Once at Devore, I just turned right and went up the ridge. The ridge started out fairly easy, just a lot of loose rock. After gaining some elevation, and finding my way through the maze of false summits and choss blocks, I found the true summit. It was just a little cat walk to get to it. A little sketchy with the loose rock. Beautiful views from the top, I even had a view of Baker and Glacier Choss block breaking up the ridge Maze of choss blocks Glacier On my route down I found a weak spot in the ridge leading south east and after getting cliffed out for my own comfort, and talking to myself about how it "wasn't that bad" I got over it and went for a little slide down some scree and ended up finding where nine mile creek starts. I followed the creek all the way down to about 4,000ft, then made my way to the west towards 10 mile creek and managed to find the 1 mile ADA trail back to holden. all in all it was a great "first solo experience" for me, I scared my self a little bit, and got some beautiful views. View of Riddle summit from the SE Gear Notes: water Approach Notes: From Holden village, take 10mile creek trail to Devore pass, go off trail from there, scramble up the ridge to the east, you will know the summit when you find it
  6. Nice job guys, This loop is for sure on my list. After soloing Wy'East and Riddle Peaks, I have an understanding of the scree. Thanks for the good TR
  7. sorry, no one wearing a go pro on this trip. possibly next year we will get some footage of foreskin
  8. bvl I found these while looking at my pics the other day.
  9. Trip: Mt. Shasta - Casaval Ridge Date: 5/6/2012 Trip Report: My good rock climbing friend told me he wanted to do a tall mountain, where you had to use crampons and and ax. so I told him right away, let's do Casaval ridge up Shasta. we got another friend of ours to climb it with us, seeing as he had done avy gulch before. we camped in the parking lot where we got our permits, left at 0300hrs. the snow was pretty hard in the morning so it was crampons on right away. went across the end of avy gulch, and caught the ridge. The beginning was not to steep, but as we went along there were a few tricky sections, we passed alot of tents on our way up. finally, an hour and a half after our turn around time we finally made it to misery hill. one of our party was feeling pretty beaten up because of the altitude. so we decided to leave the summit for another day. I strapped on my snowboard and got back to the car in 20 min. then about 3hrs later here comes the other two in my party. all in all it was a great trip. beautiful day and a great ride down Gear Notes: crampons, single ax. snowboard(split board if you have one) Approach Notes: the spiny ridge to the left of avy gulch
  10. Trip: Holden - Wy' East from Holden Date: 7/19/2011 Trip Report: Beautiful scramble up wy east peak. A little hard to find the right summit block, lots of scree. Approach Notes: From holden village take Devore pass/ 4th of july basin trail. once at devore pass, you can see the summit to the north west. from there, off trail and route finding to the summit.
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