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Going for it

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Everything posted by Going for it

  1. I have a pair of Black Diamond Quandrant boots that i dont wear anymore, after one season i ended upgrading to the langes asking 200 for them, i am also selling a never used Spot Gen 2 Locator Beacon for 100, i am needing to clear this gear so i am willing to pick up the shipping inside the US.
  2. I am looking for a partner between august 27th-31st, i attempted in june but wasnt able to summit that trip, i will be coming off a weekend in the tetons so looking to finally get finish rainier this year strong. any time between the 27th and 31st i am open.
  3. anyone still looking for a partner? i have the week of the july 20th through the 26th off, was up earlier this year but got turned around on my last trip, am looking to get up on my 3rd try.
  4. So i have a 5 Day window to climb next week, i have been training all summer to climb rainier, and have had my primary partner for this climb bail due to work relocation, looking for a partner to go up the DC this coming weekend, i have taken the RMI expedition prep class and have been on the mountain before, looking for someone to join me on finally getting up the mountain after bad luck the past few times. Would prefer someone who has been on a glaciated mountain before. Again I am looking to drive up to seattle the morning of the 5th so i would arrive in ashford area around 9-10 in the morning on the 5th. Adam
  5. i am located in boise,idaho
  6. 200? any takers?
  7. I have plenty of ice screws lol, i am dropping it to $300 cash only please, i am still covering shipping
  8. No interest at all?
  9. Bump Price drop to 250
  10. Bump price drop to 350, and i still cover shipping, i am willing to negotiate a little bit
  11. Hi i purchased a new pair of AT boots this year, and no longer need my BD quadrants, they are 2 years old, but have seen less than 14 days on the slopes. they are a size 27.5, and i will take care of the shipping to get them off to a good home. I am asking 450 but i am open to negotation on them. i have included a picture of them to give a idea of condition.
  12. Electric Eric i am defiantly planning on the south slog, been a while since i have been out, so getting my self conditioned back up, will be coming from boise. adam
  13. I have a 3 day weekend this week, and am able to leave wed night and arrive at Trailhead by thursday morning, am looking to see if anyone else is headed up that way between thursday and friday. Adam
  14. I might defiantly be down for adams, i am just starting to get everything sorted out for this summer.
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