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Posts posted by moosejah

  1. Thanks Guys, really good stuff. Ive always done alot of hiking in the back country, and always seemed to find a piece of mountain that would just scream at me to climb but never had the equipment or pals, so ive just put it off. But i cant resist anymore!!!

    Ive done a little bit of indoor, and actual rock climbing but its been quite awhile now.

    So im starting at the basics again :P

    So harness; basically depending on the style im going for. id like something in the middle without to much restriction and a decent amount of padding.

    The only thing is, from sports i have rather large quads so id probably need adjustable legs loops.

  2. I was just wondering what is a good beginner harness, that's affordable and safe. I dont have tons of extra cash to throw into a harness. And yes i realize i could ask a salesperson at a retail store, but id rather hear it from a community of climbers.

    Thanks :)

  3. lol...

    well i have thick skin so its all good.

    I think ill try out my alpine bivy? o got a decent bag too so well see.Although ill be honest i do feel like a rather large Burrito in the bivy sometimes....

    I just dont see the fun in sleeping at the bottom. yeah its a short hike to the top, but to be honest there are some herbals im looking for that only grow at those elevations, and not the rasta kind of herbals, lol.



  4. :) sounds good.

    seeing as the weather is really weird here this year, and we dont have anymore snow where i am, and getting 5+ days im hoping and praying that my ten day window in mid april will be an amazingly warm period and perfect for a yak summit.

    well see i guess. if not then i suppose august will have to do.

    And no, i am not trolling. Just looking for straight answers. All tho i am not usually afraid to stir things up, i never set out to do so nor really enjoy it.

  5. Id like to know how, asking for some advice is ignorant. And how being irritated by ignorant answers is so unheard of.

    So far sobo obwan are the only two people who've actually given an answer isnt condescending or patronizing.

    Ive done all the "google searching" possible and was just hoping for some feedback from people who've climbed it, one way or another. And thought id get positive feed back. But apparently the high altitude and thin air have left the majority of people on here feeling a little more full of themselves then what reality would say about them.

  6. Hey thanks for trying to help out for no reason in particular Sobo :)

    I dont get whats up with alot of the people on this site...i expected people who love to climb and love the outdoors to be a little more relaxed and laid back..but it seems so far that all three days that ive been watching the forums that the majority have walking poles shoved up some really uncomfortable places.

    You guys could be a little more respectful when someone (sobo) is trying to help get some information for a new member that they really dont even really need to waste their time on.

    Trying being a little more civil and courteous. We're all climbers here who all love the outdoors.....

  7. ok well then the next step would be to assume that i dont live in the area and then that would let the eyebrows rest in their normal position.

    wow it takes quite alot to get a decent answer around here...

  8. Why do i get an a-hole award????

    And how is this a troll thread??

    i just want to know what yak is like on top and how fast storms roll in up there??

    i plan on going in april as that is when i get a break from my studies..

    im still a little confused as to why i am getting nominated for a a-hole award.

  9. it was a simple enough and innocent question, all i wanted to know was if people had advice for yaks peak, and i expect the same kind of answer simple and innocent..im not sure why i need a flamesuit, but thanks for the consideration, ill take it if not just because it would look sweet! lol


  10. okay wow.

    first of all do you know how many times ive tried to use "moosejaw" as a name?? its taken.

    Secondly. thanks for the tips. but you forgot to explain to me what a moose was as well..

    just foes to show what happens when we assume something, is actually true.....cause assuming i meant to put the rastafari "jah" in my name for a particular reason would then lead to assuming i put it after moose for a particular reason as well....but for some reason to me, moose/rastafari jehovah just doesnt really add up.....

    so i think the proper approach would not to get super egotistical and start teaching me the err of MY ways.

    but thanks for sharing your opinion...i guess thats why we live in a free country, i am reminded though every once in a while, why people in other countries look at us like ignorant fools.

  11. Okay first of all, genepires my response is kinda the same. Why would i tent behind my car, when there is a marvelous mountain and forest nearby? To be kept awake by the cars passing and the light of the street lamps? Thanks but if i came all the way to conquer such a marvelous mountain im pretty that if i can, ill sleep on it.

    Thanks obwan ill definitely check out that book!

    And Philonius, whats a rasta bivy kit? i have a really expensive bivy i got at 1/4 the price and a great sleeping bag.

  12. I was wondering if anyone has climbed Yak peak, and if i could get any tips, or info, what to pack to the top, if theres any places to pitch a tent over night....if i even should pitch a tent over night...or anything else helpful?


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