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About NWdriver

  • Birthday 04/02/1990

NWdriver's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. How was the road to get there? Summitpost says it can be snowed in into late June. It also says climbing is not allowed until July 31 due to raptor nests. Does this only apply to the technical crags? http://www.summitpost.org/wolf-rock/153008
  2. Hi all, For a while now I've been wanting to get into ice climbing. I don't have much climbing experience, mostly some rock climbing at my university rock climbing gym on an inconsistent basis. I am an avid hiker, and in pretty good physical shape. I was wondering where I should start to try and get into the sport? I know it is probably a very long progressive path to getting into true ice climbing. I'm in Oregon if that helps. Would practicing more at a climbing gym help, or not since the technique is so drastically different? Where to start? Thanks and sorry for the newbie post.
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