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Everything posted by romines

  1. 185 2010 Black Diamond Justice skis for sale. Drilled once for dynafits. Skied about a dozen times. Edges and bases are in great shape. $250. Can deliver to Portland or Tetons.
  2. Did you end up selling these?
  3. I almost forgot about these, but really want to find a Portland buyer. I'm in the close in SE and I'd really like to move this stuff. Also available are some US 12 Evolv Predator G2 rock shoes. Basically brand new. Tried a couple of times but they are just too agressive for me. $75. ...and some 110mm Dynafit brakes
  4. I have a Windstopper and swear by it..
  5. I'm wondering if there is a forum similar to cascade climbers but with a focus on river running in the Northwest. I'm new to the area, and trying to get outfitted for a Grand Canyon trip, so I was hoping to find something like the Yard Sale for rafting gear.
  6. Or Rafting gear. Or a ride to Ski Bowl tomorrow. Or some good records. PDX area (I'm close in SE). These were just swapped off some brand new TLT ft z12s. Note: some pictures I have seen of brakes from retail outlets seem to include a couple of springs and some other sort of spacer piece? All I've got are the actual brakes (pictured), but those retail outlets also charge like $60-80. also check out my Alpine Boots
  7. Live in Portland? Have big feet? These are brand New. Tried on once. $150 carbon shank burly $325 MSRP I'm hoping to find someone willing to pick these up in SE Portland, 28th and Burnside area. Or I could meet you at Mazamas. I guess I could ship but..
  8. Snow is falling and so is the price on these monster skis! 300 to 265. Viva la nina!
  9. So I just moved to Portland (from Jackson, WY) and I'm looking for somebody (or some somebodies) with knowledge of Mt Hood (or wherever within reasonable distance) who want to go for some day tours. I'm fairly new on a touring set-up, but I am a good skier and in good shape. I am not looking to go out in any kind of unstable snow conditions. I have avi gear and am comfortable using it (though I have not yet had Avi. I), but remember I am totally unfamiliar with the area.. Let's just take one scary variable at a time. This must make me sound like a super desirable partner, huh? Let's keep it mellow; if everyone has fun we can take the world on later! I'm out of town for a week around Thanksgiving, and I have a pretty standard M-F 9-5, but I could definitely take a day off here or there for the right adventure. PM or adam dot romines at gmail dot com
  10. Black Diamond Zealots, 2009, 192 cm - $265 Brand new, never drilled, never used. Still in plastic! Got these on an impulse and then remembered I had just moved from Jackson Hole and traded my job as a liftee for one in an office. Oops. As a bonus I'll deliver if you are in the PDX area! Pictures here: http://gallery.me.com/thompenn/100009
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