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Invincible Sun

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Everything posted by Invincible Sun

  1. I am coming out there the third week of August w a couple friends, but right now I the only one with a ticket. So if you are looking for somebody w firm plans drop me a line.
  2. I'm interested.
  3. Yes- I like the way you think! I am coming to Rainier around Aug 19 to 28 and forever think of climbing Denali - because of the cost. I am very interested in your ideas for a self organized trip. Russell Stegeman RussellStegeman@gmail.com
  4. I would be interested in getting more details. I am trying toput together something for Mt. Rainier but it might not work out as it is last minute. russellstegeman@gmail.com
  5. Looking for partners to climb Rainier between Aug 30 to Labor day. I have been up there before and have experience on Shasta, Aconcagua and assorted Colorado and California 13ers and 14ers. I am slow but steady, so if you want to set any speed records I'm not your guy. You can reach me at (985) 250-0110 or russellstegeman@gmail.com
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