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Everything posted by Nowurys

  1. Hi Kukuzka. This is Chris. Saw this post from forever ago. Please feel free to use the photo for your typo if you still need.
  2. Hello Crazed! Chris here. You have some amazing stories about this area! Sometimes I think you are like a cat with its 9 lives! How many do you think you have left? I remember our conversation vividly about the area of this route specifically. I too have my own stories of excitement that I can share the next time we see one another. We definitely saw a handful of your bolts on either side of this line. Most of what we did was clean following crack systems all the way to the top. We definitely could not have done it without your pioneering. We had high aspirations of doing this route on lead, however we also wanted to create a route that people would climb and was safe. Thus, we ended up bolting a few pitches on rappel to protect the difficult sections. We think it's pretty safe now, and would love to climb it with you someday. All that said, I think this route, after a bit of traffic and cleaning, will be, a classic route on par with the likes of Dreamer and Search for the Holy Greyall. Ain't no doubt, Darrington is one of the best and most unique climbing venues in the world!
  3. thanks hanman! I will drop him a line
  4. Hey All! I was out the other day with mountainsloth having some grand adventures on the Holy Greyall. What a route! It was my 2nd time on the wall (climbed The Page a few weeks back) and on the way up we noticed that there was a potential line on the far climber's right side of the wall. We decided to rap Schizo to check it out for our next trip up there and I did a bit of wandering further right to inspect the potential of adding yet another route to this amazing wall. To my surprise I found some bolts and a handful of bolted anchors with what looked like 20 year old tat on them. The bolts were a mix of buttonheads a few more modern 3/4" bolts, but there didn't seem to be a consistent line of them, nor were any of the cracks clean. I saw a lot of potential for another great line on the wall, but before I went ahead and did anything, I wanted to see if anyone knew of a route over there. Anyone out there have any history on this line?
  5. Anyone got a snorkel? Skiing Serenity Cragging Coming into our own on Mt Olympus Alpine Got Sunscreen? Humor Be here Now Mountain Scenery
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