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  • Birthday 11/26/2017

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  1. I don't remember the sling, the cam we placed I think in '05. Rappeled off that loose shelf, and then climbed back up to try to free it with no luck.
  2. Nice Work. Is there still a tcu stuck at the beginning of the left traverse above the notch?
  3. Trip: Gothic Basin - Del Campo Date: 6/19/2010 Trip Report: Some friends, my wife and I headed up to Gothic Basin on Friday evening. Weeden Creek trail was snow free up to about 4000ft. Saturday morning woke up in the clouds and headed for the notch. Snow was good all the way to the gully between Del Campo and the SE buttress. From just left of the start of gully its nice scrambling to the summit. With low visibility, we decided not to do Gothic and maybe one of the Castle Rocks. Next time I'll start at Gothic Peak and traverse N. Gear Notes: Axe, helmet Approach Notes: Weeden Creek Trail
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