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Everything posted by asford

  1. Pickup in Seattle or shipped via USPS flat rate, payment via paypal or cash. All shoes are used, but still in serviceable and climbable condition. Fastest service via craigslist email contact - https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/spo/6209506348.html 1. TC Pro - 41 - $65 - Freshly resoled, good rand repairs. 2. Katana Lace - 41 - $65 - Used ~15 days, not resoled. Will need resole by end of season. 3. Kata Velcro - 41 - $50 - Resoled recently, rand wear.
  2. It's definitely not as spiffy as a pre-made groundsheet, but you can easily get a matching zipper from Seattle Fabrics and sew your own. I suspect it'd be better for climbing than whatever they'd make, as the real target market for their two-person systems is romantic, not climbing, partners. You'll want to (A) get the lightest (i.e. least comfortable) possible fabric and (B) sew the sheet as a triangle or isosceles trapezoid narrowing toward the foot. I believe Rolando Garibotti's Patagonia book has a whole schpiel about setting this up. Frankly though, I've used the quilt with two people by just unzipping the top half of the bag and tucking the edge under my shoulder. It's not totally windproof, but good enough if you're in a bivy tent or in a sheltered spot.
  3. They don't really market it as such, but the Feathered Friends Flicker is a boss alpine climbing bag. It's a touch heavier than the Vireo, but the quilt style is far more versatile. I use it as a 4 season bag in Washington, as there's enough room in it to accommodate belay pants and a heavier parka when the temperatures drop. It quilts out well for two people; we used one for two dudes on Huntington rather "comfortably". Would recommend mandatory hardshells when you're spooning with the homies, but the converse may apply with the honeys.
  4. What size are the bindings?
  5. Awesome! We had a lot of trouble telling if the thing had gapped out more from our lower vantage point, but could definitely believe your beta. After hearing it I'm a little disappointed, but mostly relieved, that we rapped. Double-plus on more folks getting on this thing, it's worth climbing even if you're a weener brigade like us!
  6. Yes indeed! To be fully explicit, we did the C-H Saturday and found it in fabulous shape. For those currently mobbing the Triple Coolers, choo-choo everyone aboard the send train! See stoke photos at: We tried for the Polish Sunday. The first two pitches were great, but the crux pillar won't go for someone of my caliber. It was pretty obvious from the base of the route, but we got to the base of the second ice section and verified a big-ol gap between the pillar and a blank-looking overhanging rock wall. Might be able to make it go with some aid or an aggressive jump-and-campus job. -Alex P.S. Found this sick training video for Polish-gap aspirants, Crazy Polish Bob looks really young...
  7. Executed a little janitorial mission this weekend and managed to pick up a bit of gear. Sadly, the sun has taken an effect and frozen your rope in place. It will be available in the Coleman bergschrund later this summer. Tools and screws are available at your convenience. For those of you turned on by this sort of thing: I've made a brief topo: We forgot our long screw in the car, but I'm proud to say I first-shot every thread with a 16cm. Caveat emptor... -Alex
  8. We car-shuttled from the tree blocking Cascade River Road at mile 19 before the Eldorado trailhead and found it cleared during our pickup on the 15th.
  9. I'd second the leatherman & bits idea. Leatherman's removable bit driver is ridiculously expensive, something like $15, but works quite well as a binding tool. It provides about 2-3 inches of clearance without an extension, which I've found to be enough for dynafits and fritschis. The extension comes with a few of leatherman's ridiculous "bits", but don't waste any more money on them. Just get a set of standard posidrive and torx bits for your bindings.
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