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Everything posted by FWF

  1. A bit of family history here. We were in Portland that day for my dad's 50th birthday. We were up and heading south for a day trip when we heard on the radio that St. Helens had exploded. My dad turns 80 today and on every significant birthday of his, we wonder what the mountain might do!
  2. Thanks. I will do so. If there is anyone else out there with any experience with locator beacons and radios, let me know.
  3. I know that the whole locator beacon issue has been much discussed. However, my partners and I are strongly considering getting one. First question: Does anyone have experience with and a strong recommendation of any of the locator beacons out there? My other thought is whether a radio makes more sense. I looked on the internet, but I really could not find anything that would answer this. I know nothing about radio frequencies, limitations of reception/transmision etc. Intuitively, the ability to use a radio to call from an area that lacks cell service makes sense. Thanks in advance . . .
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