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Everything posted by Alan_Howard

  1. Uh, my guess is that you'd still attempt to tell everyone how you're still right, even if it was a fact that you were wrong in some way. Still interested to see your response to this one, Joseph...
  2. Scott, check this out: nice tools
  3. I have one and only one agenda out there: getting every single climbing day in I can. Period. Same as it ever was. But I not willing to be anything but direct, upfront, and honest to get those days and I'm not the one with the hidden agenda. That's perfectly logical to work for every single climbing day that you can, but there are climbers out there who want more... what are you doing to help or speak for them? If you aren't speaking up for them then you are still only speaking for yourself, and the way you put it, here, you sound like you are running on a hamster wheel. I am not one to judge, but you are far too static about this whole mess - you are too comfortable with just what you have and it seems that you are the only one who likes it this way. The BRCA is at least thinking of others and something progressive (wouldn't you also benefit from any result of positive action that the BRCA is working to achieve?) whereas you are not putting forth a community viewpoint. I see what you are saying, Joseph, not that I agree with you... You are entitled to an opinion, but it makes sense that other's opinions are heard as well. Sounds like the Beacon Rock boys need to have a beer together
  4. JosephH, I appreciate your desire for an open community focused on an honest solution to several issues, but it appears that you have that already. In reading the BRCA blog it is clear that they have taken steps to work with the necessary folks that are involved in this situation. If you are really concerned that their methods are not an open and honest framework for addressing the access issues, then wouldn't your efforts be better spent contacting the climbers on the executive committee of the BRCA rather than just complaining about how you disagree with it here? You sound like you have some interest in climbing and birds - to what extent for each I'm not altogether sure - but I bet if you talked to the executive committee they would, at the very least, treat your opinions with the same courtesy that they treat everyone elses. And, Alasdair, sorry if this thread was hijacked a bit... not my intention
  5. Sssshhhhhh! Quiet! Negotiations in progress! God forbid documents submitted to public officials should be public. And lawdy, we's all knoes dems officials is so easily confused. And if they're easily confused, god only knows just how confusing it would all be for the poor average cc.com climber who makes it out to Beacon a few times a year but doesn't know the secret handshake and aren't part of the club - definitely no need for them to see or comment on any of the details. Sigh. I always did wonder exactly what 'formal' meant. Same as it ever was. All in all a proud display of openness and the true potential of social media. Ya, ubetcha. Nothing personal, JosephH, but with how you respond to some people about Beacon Rock, and with how you appear to handle the differences in opinions, can you blame the BRCA for their methods?
  6. Thanks dirtyleaf, billcoe, and Eric for your suggestions! Kenny, you shouldn't let ivan borrow your rope.
  7. just wondering what kind of advice would be given here on this topic... i've heard to use woolite and then i've heard to just wash it in water. i've also heard to just buy a new rope. what say y'all?
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