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Posts posted by Ponderosa

  1. OK, once again, although "neural" sounds like "urinal", they are not the same.


    Regardless, everyone here knows that you clean the plastic nets in the bottom of the cc.com urinals. This makes you a "Urinal Net Processor".


    And, stop eating the deodorizing cakes in the nets; they're not candies.

  2. FYI, I often ask climbers I meet out in alpine settings if they post on CC.COM.

    Most say "No".

    Reason 1. Assholes/info ratio too high.

    Reason 2. Pro bolting as is evidenced by sticking a topo of a sport climb in the wilderness at the top of the "Rock Climbing" forum. And this kind of thread in general.


    There are a lot of trad climbers out there who do not care to associate themselves with your behavior here or in the mountains.

    Piss about eletism all you want.

    Then re-read this thread up to this point.

    Highschool football locker room comes to mind.

    Shit-for-brains is another.

    Your wanton drilling is self serving.

    I like an occaisional sport route but not every available face needs to be bolted.

    For those of you who do not understand the "Leave no trace" concept, sleep out in south Seattle then in a wilderness area. Tell us which one you like best. Or conversly, tell us why you promote destroying pristine environments for your own short term pleasure.

    Do future generations have no bearing on your behavior?

    If that were the mentality of previous generations we would have not wilderness areas, no National Parks. Why bother saving Index? I only have a couple good decades left there. I'm not spending my hard earned money so a bunch of youngns can climb there and call me an old fart. I'll buy plane tickets instead and go to the Valley or Squamish.


    There's a general paucity of good humor in myopic crusaders.

  3. You come up with some weird stuff, Akha. The professor clearly did not ask for any of this . All those who are making such a big issue of this are acting on their own agenda: the news media who like a sensational story picked up on one line of a five minute answer to a question that one of their members asked to kick this thing off and people like our friends BillCoe, Bug and Ponderosa argue that the bottom line here is that the President should simply not comment on these issues.


    If anybody is to blame here, it is (gasp) THE POLICE OFFICER. There is no way any of you libertarians, cynical liberals, or gun nuts around here would ever justify your having been arrested for mouthing off to a police officer inside your own home. NO way ever. But when it is President Obama who has the nerve to comment on this: an outrage.


    He has acknowledged that it was a mistake to use the word "stupid" but so far I have yet to see anyone here who is critical of his remarks indicate they listed to the entire answer he provided and that they actually disagree with the message he was clearly trying to convey: he was not and did not suggest judging the police officer for that action, it is wrong (yest stupid) to arrest somebody for being unruly in their own home, and (oh my f'ing god) there is racism in America.


    You're an equivocating dumbshit w/o the requisite cognitive ability to make distinctions of position in those with who you disagree.


    You parsing anything would be akin to a monkey mixing alphabet wood blocks with his latest steaming pile.

  4. No, it was a "gaff" because he couldn't know if his statement was true, labeling the arrest as "stupid", when he admitted he didn't know the facts.


    It appears you would argue any ridiculous angle.


    obama-acts-stupidly.jpgfrom About.com

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