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Everything posted by yapajake

  1. quick question how do you get a hold of permits and how hard is it to do so? i thought that tent reservations up high were the harder thing to come by. thanks.
  2. How are the ski conditions on the snowfield right now? ie: What is the best time to plan a descent to get some decent turns in, or are we past that time. Thanks.
  3. i've noticed some big differences between this and what the national weather service is predicting. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=45.37053903312977&lon=-121.69486999511719&site=sew&unit=0&lg=en&FcstType=text The mountain-forecast site is calling for 5.5 inches inches tonight while the national weather service is predicting 20+. As always with the weatherman it makes me wonder who is right.
  4. it was more to go with the wife since we don't have any family in the area and don't want to get a sitter overnight. he did enjoy the 7 miles we did in eagle creek the other day, but i think we are going to put going for anything above 6000ft on hold as of now and see how he handles other stuff this summer and maybe see where he is at come august or september.
  5. Just wondering if anybody has input on going up Mt. St. Helens with a toddler. Ideally I would like to go in June to have a more snow-covered route, but don't know if that would be too cold (even on a good day) or if it would be better to try in July or August. Anybody have any experience or advice to give? Thanks.
  6. Hey all I am looking for a decent pair of gloves to use on Rainier, Adams, etc. I would also like to be able to use them in the winter for skiing. I had a pair of OR Alti Gloves, but they seemed too bulky and didn't feel that great when gripping a ski pole. Would to OR Arete's work on Rainier, or do I need something more substantial? I am trying to get something with a liner. Thanks.
  7. anybody try to go? how was it?
  8. i was supposed to be heading up tomorrow for a summit attempt and ski descent on saturday but based on the weather we have had recently i am debating putting it off for another week or two. i was really looking forward to it, but am not sure if these are the best conditions for somebody new to the area. any other good reccomendations for places to go climb and ski this weekend?
  9. Well 100+ views w/ no response, looks like I will drop the price to $95 shipped in the U.S. minus HI and AK.
  10. thanks for the info parker m, i'm new to the area and this will be my first time going. caverpilot, looks like i will be calling that number to double check, with or without the fine it seems a little steep just for a day.
  11. we are looking to go up st. helens via the worm flow route on the 30th. i keep finding snopark permits for what appears to be snowmobiles ($20/day i think), can somebody please post or pm me the link for the $5/day vehicle one. thanks.
  12. Great set of gloves, brand new never used. Unfortunately they are too big for me. Normally $150, I'll sell them for $105 shipped anywhere in the contiguous US, or feel free to make me a fair offer. Paypal preferred, but we can talk about other payment methods. http://www.outdoorresearch.com/site/alti_gloves.html
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