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B Friedrichs

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Posts posted by B Friedrichs

  1. Hey Kevin,


    Thanks for the reply, but don't worry about it. I've got no problem with you.


    It was probably a little childish posting on here in the first place, but i was getting worked up that your partner wouldn't even reply to me. And still hasn't. But that's not on you.


  2. Hello there forum,


    My name is Bryan and I was one of the people climbing above this Jared character on Ham & Eggs. After spending quite a few hours helping the Boulder women get him and his partner off the climb and onto a plane, my partner and I happilly agreed to take a bag of his things out. At his request, I then boxed them up and priority shipped them back to him in Seattle.


    Well now this guy won't answer any of my damn emails, while finding plenty of time to whip up ten page trip reports and multiple blog postings, and hasn't reimbursed me for the shipping.


    I climbed the pitch he fell on (before and after his fall) and placed multiple pieces of solid gear both times. I would normally just let the whole thing go, but I am very irritated that he hasn't gotten around to sending off a thank you email for shipping his crap, much less the 40 bucks.


    I would want help in his situation, and was glad to give it, but would go out of my way to show a little gratitude. Particularly if I had unnessesarily run a pitch way out and fallen, endangering everyone who was subsequently involved in getting me out.


    So there you have it.

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