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About Spencer63

  • Birthday 11/26/2017

Spencer63's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Trip: Mt Daniels access? Anyone up this weekend? - Date: 5/25/2009 Trip Report: I know this is asked a lot this time of year but if you get in early the mosquitoes are not as bad, there is a small window when its not too bad. but the climbing is great.
  2. The non climbing Rangers are not understanding or forgiving with regards to traveling on "their road" in hrs which can and do vary, I found out the hard way with a warning ticket to not drive on "their road". if you make good time down climbing you better time it so you don't end up on "their road" too early or late. Ive been going up there for years and never seen these guys so aggressive, not even after the big storm.
  3. This is a new tent, I have used it only one night on Rainier, This is a great tent however I just picked up a Mountain Hardware Trango 2 and don't need both, this tent has a new foot print also, It still has that new tent smell. asking $250.00. I am in Poulsbo for the weekend, you can come look, set it up, or should be back in Seattle on Tuesday. SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
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