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Everything posted by Atraslin

  1. Cool to see a trip report in that area. There's a lot of areas to explore in there. You want run into anyone. Fun trip I had up there with Sky and Drew Skiing the line. I mountain bike raced with Gord in 90's. Now I realize how bad of an idea It was to do a race and then slog in for the descent.
  2. Nice one Dan, looks like you are up to your old tricks again. Let's get out for some steep skiing in BC.
  3. Great phtotos. Such a sweet zone if you don't mind slogging. Many options for peak link-ups and ski lines. Only accessed by foot. The other thing it's so close to Whislter but it doesn't seem to get skied by the locals very often.
  4. Bravo! Such a sick area. I don't think the true summit gets climbed very often. Nice work.
  5. Tried it a few years back. Took like 7 days to get on the mountain and almost the same to get off from the Canadian side. Amazing area didn't summit.Summit or plummet, but got to ski some fun lines from base camp. I would definitley recommend flying in from the US side.
  6. Hours of white nuckled fun, good to see you guys pulled it off.
  7. Poaching a line in Canada eh.Or is it still on the US side. That ABP face looks wild.
  8. Another day at the office for Dan. Looks like a wild line.
  9. Actually I'm not trying out for the blue man group but the smurfs. I would have taken the sled ride for sure. Thanks for breaking trail and scoping the north face. Epic day.
  10. Sounds epic.Then you gotta sleep in the cold camper. Reminds me of the Whistler days sleeping in a tent in the parking lot. Looks like a wicked area to check out.
  11. Right on.Lots of snow.Hope to ski it in August.
  12. Cool ski rock scramble
  13. Danimal.Sick route Dan. I think if you are going into gnarly terrain like that carry a 70 metre rope if you can get a hold of one.It keeps that risk factor a little more in check and gives you a few more options. It's all good you made it and skied a new line.
  14. I put a video together from the trip.
  15. Epic day.I finally got to ski the dream line on the North Face.I've been staring at this for years from across the border while skiing the slopes of Seymour.We escaped the whiteout and the downclimb, and the lower of the ice section.
  16. Great photos and style.Thats the way to go.You get a wicked climb in then a sweet descent, save the legs from the dreaded downclimb.
  17. Great trip report.Happy I found you guys.Another trip I didn't even Know about 2.5 hours from North Vancouver.Next time hopefully we want be in the line of fire and danger zone for so long.
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