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Everything posted by LeTiger

  1. Nope, for some reason I lost the ability to edit my original post (maybe due to time passed?) if a mod could delete this thread,that would be fantastic, as I would gladly do so if I could. This just got bumped from over two years ago... haha.
  2. @ Benjamin - I'm pretty sure its a capilene 1, style number is 44890S9, color: Black I also have a Merino 3, style number 37701F9, Black, that I'd be willing to let go for $50. @ Normankirk - It's the previous iteration (higher quality) eVENT fabric. The parka is just around 3 years old, and has been sitting in my closet the vast majority of that time. You really can't tell a difference in the fabric between a new one in the store.
  3. Hey Folks! All prices are OBO, but please keep them realistic, I am willing to negotiate, but am not going to give these away. Local pickup/delivery is preferred, I am willing to pay 1/2 of the shipping price for items that are not local. PayPal only, gift or regular (buyer adds 3% for regular) Committed buyers only please. Have fun looking! PHOTOS Available HERE (One of the pictures wasn't updated with the most recent items sold, but still includes what is being listed below) $350 -> $340 Feathered Friends Icefall parka Mens Medium - FANTASTIC condition, worn less than 5 times, stored lofted, non-UV exposed, always. - Asmith can verify the pristine condition of this Jacket. (As requested by a user) $100!!!- Outdoor Research Mens Alti Mits Size L - Brand New/never used, w/o tags $16- Patagonia Mens Medium Capilene - used lightly, no odor. Thanks for looking! - Guthrie
  4. All PM's replied. Final price drop on the Feathered Friends jacket. ($340)
  5. I have a FF Icefall size M in fantastic condition. See HERE for photos. You interested?
  6. Plenty of things to go around, descriptions and Pictures below. All prices are pretty firm, feel free to OBO, but keep in mind that I will ignore low-balls. Local pickup/delivery is preferred, I am willing to pay 1/2 of the shipping price for items that are not local. PayPal only, gift or regular (buyer pays 3% for regular) Committed buyers only please. Have fun looking! PHOTOS Available HERE (One of the pictures wasn't updated with the most recent items sold, but still includes what is being listed below) $380 360 $340 Final Drop- Feathered Friends Icefall parka Mens Medium - FANTASTIC condition, worn less than 5 times, stored lofted, non-UV exposed, always. - Asmith can verify the pristine condition of this Jacket. $100!!!- Outdoor Research Mens Alti Mits Size L - Brand New/never used, w/o tags $16- Patagonia Mens Medium Capilene - used lightly, $22 - Petzl Croll Chest Ascender - Used lightly, very good condition SOLD to Coma $30- Petzl Ascension (original version) - Used Lightly, very good condition SOLD to Coma $75- Wild Things eVENT Bib Mens Small. SOLD to jimmyjames1998 $25 - BD Transfer 3 Shovel, some nicks, still works great. - SOLD to Theodore $32 - BD Express Ice Screw 22cm - Used Once - SOLD to Theodore $15 - BD Venom Classic Pick - Brand New (no tags) - SOLD to Stevedm Thanks for looking! - Guthrie
  7. Lost the ability to edit my original thread? Confused... Clarification would be fantastic...
  8. Great jacket. Shame it isn't an XL. Ha! I know! Curse me and my skinny bones
  9. Upboat, Updated with potential interest for the bibs, No FF lovers out there?
  10. Bump for Posterity. Bibs are open game again, Thanks for looking!
  11. Added more photos of the Bibs, showing the small tear, as well as the lamination/seam tape, both of which show no signs of delamination. You can find the photos in the original post, or by clicking Here Thanks for looking! - G
  12. Replied with PM's, noted here as well. -Steve, slow shipping, add $3 -Jimmy, Pants are the Alpinist (with Full side zips) 2 years old, worn thrice, other than the crampon hole, you'd have a hard time telling them from new. (I bought a pair of RAB eVENT which fit my activities much better than bibs, and thus only used these for a couple climbs) - Theodore, Pending to you! Paypal info sent in PM (+$5 shipping split)
  13. Plenty of things to go around, descriptions and Pictures below. All prices are pretty firm, feel free to OBO, but keep in mind that I will ignore low-balls. Local pickup/delivery is preferred, I am willing to pay 1/2 of the shipping price for items that are not local. PayPal only, gift or regular (buyer pays 3% for regular) Committed buyers only please. Have fun looking! PHOTOS Available HERE (One of the pictures wasn't updated with the most recent items sold, but still includes what is being listed below) And HERE! for the bibs specifically: $380- Feathered Friends Icefall parka Mens Medium - FANTASTIC condition, worn less than 5 times, stored lofted, non-UV exposed, always. - Asmith can verify the pristine condition of this Jacket. $110- Outdoor Research Mens Alti Mits Size L - Brand New/never used, w/o tags $25 - Petzl Croll Chest Ascender - Used lightly, very good condition $32- Petzl Ascension (original version) - Used Lightly, very good condition $18- Patagonia Mens Medium Capilene - used lightly, $75- Wild Things eVENT Bib Mens Small. 1 crampon tear lower right leg sewn, and no larger than a dime. - Pictures (of tear) upon request. Pending to jimmyjames1998 $25 - BD Transfer 3 Shovel, some nicks, still works great. - SOLD to Theodore $32 - BD Express Ice Screw 22cm - Used Once - SOLD to Theodore $15 - BD Venom Classic Pick - Brand New (no tags) - SOLD to Stevedm Thanks for looking! - Guthrie
  14. Rope Gone, 5 day bump. -G
  15. Plenty of things to go around, descriptions and Pictures below. All prices are firm, local pickup/delivery is preferred, I am willing to pay 1/2 of the shipping price for items that are not local. PayPal only, gift or regular (buyer pays 3% for regular) Committed buyers only please. PHOTOS Available HERE Still for grabs:All prices have been DROPPED again 6/18/2011 $440- Feathered Friends Icefall parka Mens Medium - Like new, worn less than 5 times, stored lofted, always. - Pending to Asmith $25 - BD Transfer 3 Shovel, some nicks, works great. $32 - BD Express Ice Screw 22cm - Used Once - Pending to Robbio $20 - BD Venom Classic Pick - Brand New (no tags) $125- Outdoor Research Mens Alti Mits Size L - Brand New/never used, w/o tags $30 - Petzl Croll Chest Ascender - Used lightly, very good condition $38- Petzl Ascension (original version) - Used Lightly, very good condition $80- Wild Things eVENT Bib Mens Small. 1 crampon tear lower right leg sewn, and no larger than a dime. - Pictures upon request. $18- Patagonia Mens Medium Capilene - used lightly, smells great! /Sold: $60- REI Ridgeline65 (65liter) backpack, mens Medium - old, used, well loved. - Thanks Markus $40- BD QuickDraw CF Probe 230 - Brand New w/o tags - SOLD Thanks Robbio! $60- BD Sphynx 42liter Backpack 2010 (M/L)- like new, 1 dime sized pitch splotch. (Juniper) - Withdrawn $12 Ea. (2 total) OR Water Bottle Parka's (32 Ounce) - SOLD! Thanks Mentat! $36- (set) 12 BD carabiners (used, no chips/drops) want to say they're the predecessor to the Oz carabiner, but can't find the archive on the BD site, less than 2 years old. - SOLD! Thanks Robbio! $90- BlueWater Excellence 8.4mm Double Dry 1/2 rope - Used once, like new condition - Thanks Iamgr8er! Note: I have some extra stuff showing in some of the photos, it's stuff that I didn't feel like finding prices for, all of it is in good working condition, if you see something that's not listed above, chip in and make an offer! Thanks for looking! - Guthrie
  16. No worries Robbio! Bump w/reflection of current happenings.
  17. PM replied, still waiting for a response.
  18. I'm going to be Bike Touring for a couple months, and need to find a new home for that which cannot go with me. Plenty of things to go around, descriptions and Pictures below. All prices are firm, local pickup/delivery is preferred, if not, shipping is paid by buyer, PayPal only, gift or regular (for regular, add 3%) ALL PHOTOS Available HERE $30 - BD Transfer 3 Shovel, some nicks, works great. - PENDING TO ChrisFol $40- BD QuickDraw CF Probe 230 - Brand New w/o tags - SOLD Thanks Robbio! $60- BD Sphynx 42liter Backpack 2010 (M/L)- like new, 1 dime sized pitch splotch. (Juniper) - PENDING TO MICROPHOBIA $36- BD Express Ice Screw 22cm - Used Once $25- BD Venom Classic Pick - Brand New (no tags) $36- (set) 12 BD carabiners (used, no chips/drops) want to say they're the predecessor to the Oz carabiner, but can't find the archive on the BD site, less than 2 years old. - SOLD! Thanks Robbio! $100- BlueWater Excellence 8.4mm Double Dry 1/2 rope - Used once, like new condition - PENDING TO IAMGR8ER $140- Outdoor Research Mens Alti Mits Size L - Brand New w/o tags $12 Ea. (2 total) OR Water Bottle Parka's (32 Ounce) - SOLD! Thanks Mentat! $35- Petzl Croll Chest Ascender - Used lightly, very good condition $45- Petzl Ascension (old version) - Used Lightly, very good condition $100- Wild Things eVENT Bib Mens Small. 1 crampon tear lower right leg sewn, and no larger than a dime. - Pictures upon request. $60- REI Ridgeline65 (65liter) backpack, mens Medium - old, used, well loved. $475- Feathered Friends Icefall parka Mens Medium - Like new, worn less than 5 times, stored lofted, always. $20- Patagonia Mens Medium Capilene - used lightly, smells great! Note: I have some extra stuff showing in some of the photos, it's stuff that I didn't feel like finding prices for, all of it is in good working condition, if you see something that's not listed above, chip in and make an offer! Thanks for looking! - Guthrie
  19. Re-Listing due to an earlier thread expiring, more items added as deemed necessary. All prices listed are shipped and PP'd, so what you see is what you pay. Prices are in US dollars, and all sales are ConUS. (If you are outside the US, YOU PAY the shipping and PP fees, sorry, but I keep getting burned. 1. Wild Things eVENT Mens Medium Bib - Bought last year on a semi-whim because I had heard good things about them from a lot of folks. I ended up being slightly too tall for their "medium", thus defaulting to my other pair of waterproofs. One small crampon tear in lower left calf area, sewn and works fine, could be sealed for extra protection if super paranoid. Other than that, essentially new. Pic shows the tear, with a penny for comparison sake. Wildthings site is being all sorts of confusing (no current pricelist?) These sold for $350 when the site still had prices listed... Asking: $160
  20. Bump! Boots Gone, Bibs and Clava still for sale.
  21. 1 Express Screw left, Bump for the evening.
  22. Bump! - All prices lowered
  23. All PM's replied, 3 screws - Gone! Two to go... MX hoody - Gone
  24. once a gear whore, always a gear whore. It doesn't matter the hobby! True story PM's replied, and MX Hoody Back UP! 2 Screws gone, three to go.
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