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Posts posted by WylDanimal

  1. I'm completely willing to give up more of my freedoms for the safety of Fairweather...

    The second amendment is one of your freedoms, whether you exercise it or not.


    Twas in reference to your statement that since the government is run by liberals who want to leave criminals in the street you NEED your guns to protect your family, since nobody else is doing it right. I will keep and cherish my my freedoms, but find the open ended NRA ideology of what the 2nd amendment was written for is ludicris. State/City run militias were the idea...not any weapon for any person. Considering the one bastion of State-run militia, the "national guard" has been federalized, we have already lost the true sense of the 2nd amendment.

  2. lol.....Wow, she folded fast...guess they did a little "creative" interogation...Waterboard anyone?


    Oh man, just read some of the comments on the article..Now it seems she is a Democratic seed, who infiltrated the McCain campaign, and staged this scene just to make the McCain camp look bad...


    I LOVE the comments on FoxNews...I just pray they are not a accurate depiction of the citizens of our country...

  3. Guns don't kill people...bullets do...


    Why not raise the taxes on bullets to the point where it costs more to shoot someone, than you would gain in robbing someone..


    and since you generally, unless you are a very poor shot, kill a deer/elk/bear/moose/goose, whatever with one shot, not multiple...I would venture to say a moose is worth a $50.00 bullet...just don't miss.

  4. Hopefully the Climbing Community can come together and agree to tone things down, and let nature get a footing again. Bouldering is definitely the most impactful to the soil, just gotta get those brahs to stay on trails and get some respect.

  5. Besides the endless fun of the comment sections.


    Stories like this...which seem to be taken WAY out of context this time of year..




    Wouldn't an "O" scar make more sense...and I can't imagine someone denying medical treatment when you just got robbed and supposedly "carved" a letter on your face...Plus now I guess having a sticker on your car makes you a "volunteer"..lol


    I'm a Thule volunteer, a Mazda volunteer, and a parking sticker volunteer...



    ps that first guy reminded me of a person playing a harp. Is the 2nd guy doing the Donkey Kong theme or the Pac man theme? maybe a combo?


    Uh...Mario Bros...most recognizable video game sound track in the world...and it also says it at the beginning of the video..

  7. AP poll shows neck and neck...


    I don't know what the electoral breakdown is, but Obama is still fairly comfortable...



    Plus the "media" has to keep it close. More ad revenue!!


  8. Basically, quotes that pertain to today, that Benjamin Franklin should have said, even though he didn't...Feel free to use actual BF quotes if necessary.


    "An informed voter is a voter whose vote doesn't count any more than the vote of an complete idiot" - Ben the IT guy


    "Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Bud Weiser

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