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    Mount Vernon, WA

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Hello, I am new to the area. I have done some backpacking in the alpine lake wilderness area, however I was wondering where there are some good backpacking hikes in the North Cascades. I am interested in loop backpacking 30-40 miles. I would also like to have great views....(in other words I don't want to waste my time).... does anyone have an opinion to the absolute best backpacking trips in the north cascades? Thanks
  2. I am looking to go to Leavenworth and do some backpacking this weekend....I am a student and doing an internship in Mount Vernon this summer....let me know Thomas ktbaker@clemson.edu
  3. I am doing a summer internship in WA this summer, and before I leave I want to do Mt. Baker. I have done some hikes near leavenworth (Asgard Pass) and I am pretty experienced backpacker. I am looking for someone willing to let me tag along to go up Baker. (planning on doing the Coleman Route). I have one other partner from South Carolina that has hiked Kilimanjaro. However we both don't have much experience with ice.....need some help!! Thanks ktbaker@clemson.edu
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