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  1. Doug d... I agree.. and it was uncommonly empathetic of me to do so... but maybe I'm growing in my old age. I just spoke to the hurt climbers friends today and he's on his way home..and they're sending me a few "Mt Hood Body Surfing Team" bumper stickers.... keep an eye out for a turquoise jeep sporting them in your town soon ok.. next mountain... adams in a week or so.
  2. cute dog... and nope, I don't have pix of the guys in hard hats and duct tape gaitors either. I had posted a pic of the guy laying on the side of the mt.. then deleted because I wouldn't want that pic of me up there either. Suffice it to say, this probably won't be the last tourist sliding down the Mt the wrong way this year.
  3. I was there as well..didn't see you frikadeller but I ran into a lone skier at the summit around 830.. then about 10 or so at the hogsback I ran into a skier and split boarder who were debating whether to continue when a woman was whacked in the arm with a rock and came down ... then about 5 minutes later we heard "falling" and watched the guy go ass over teakettle for about 200 or so feet. I called 911 and we talked to their friends ( all of them from the south and none of them prepared for the climb.. the guy i was talking to was in blue jeans with duct tape wrapped around their ankles. There wasn't much more we could do, so we headed down the mt for some long sweet glissades... and ran into the circus at the base.. I gave an interview to KGW ( yes.. I'm that good looking guy in the mazamas shirt ) and then we drove home for a few cold ones. All in all a weird day on the hill.
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