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  1. Looking to do some climbing close to seattle this coming week. I'm coming back from AK and have a weeklong layover in Seattle before heading home to VT. Climbed rainier, jefferson, hood this summer and still have my rope/ tools/ screws in seattle. I'm happy to share my gear but i have no car. I'm willing to cimb w/ anybody experienced or not as long as you're in decent shape and safety-minded. I don't know what's good this time of year, i'd be interested in almost anything, day trip to multi-day, snow climb to water ice. I'm also a wilderness- EMT. If anybody has time off mid-week, lets talk.
  2. Looking for a Rainier partner 8/15-8/22 range. Preferably srarting on the 16. Interested in Kautz, Emmons but willing to consider most other routes that are still in decent shape. I'm a solid waterfall ice climber from VT, this season climbed a number of routes in the cascades. Tried the Kautz in july w/ my partner from VT but turned back on the turtle due to avi conditions. Heading to AK on the 22 and would like to have another shot at Rainier before i leave. Happy to share my rope, screws, quarks, pickets. Crevasse rescue proficiency desired. Hopefully this won't ever matter... but i'm also a Wilderness-EMT. Happy Climbing, Zach Ewell
  3. Trip: Broken Top, S. Sister - Green Lakes- NW Ridge Date: 6/26/2008 Trip Report: I was planning an gentle solo on my way to try the Jefferson Park Glacier but my jefferson folks bailed, so this turned into the main course. Started at the Green Lakes TH around 9pm (still can't park there, but you can park right across the street, saw a couple pickups trying to get through the snowbank, so it should be open today, tomorrow, soon). About two hours pleasant night hiking in along the stream to Green Lakes. Camped there, woke around 7 and started up the steep west facing snow slope. Where the snow petered out, traversed left to the NW ridge and climbed the last few hundred feet on awful rock. Glad not to have anyone above or below me on that. The last 50 feet, where you skirt to the north side of the summit block and climb loose rock was actually still a steep chute of crusty snow. Easy enough w/ crampons and one tool. Lots of exposure below though. Outside of that gulley, the rock itself was completely dry and ice free, the last few moves to the summit are very easy, i ended up feeling silly for leaving my pack below. 80 and windless on the summit. Backed out the snow/ ice gulley and then descended directly down the scree and snow slope of the west face. All in all a very fun climb. Sorry no pics, both my camera and altimiter were not working - Broken top triangle or something. I got the message at the top that my JPG buddies had to work instead, so i went across the valley and picked a line on the E face of S. Sister. Nice snow climbing to the ridge, the S ridge though is rapidly becoming a boring, long, dusty slog. I was planning to come back to S. Sister w/ some friends later in the season, but i'm not sure i'd want to climb that ridge again - felt more sand dune than alpine. Maybe take a look at M. or N. Sis instead. S. ridge down to Moraine lake, then cross country to Green Lakes Trailhead. Happy Climbing Gear Notes: a picket and a belay might have been nice on the final crusty snow chute due to the long fall potential, but i gather that will just be more crumbly rock w/ a few more 80-degree days Approach Notes: lots of places to cross stream on snow bridges, lots of great campsites, all snow. Good swimming in creek on way out.
  4. Partner found, thanks.
  5. Recent transplant from VT looking for a partner in the 6/24-6/28 range. I'm working week on/ week off near Bend, Or and may be looking again in the future if my usual partner is unavailable again. I'd like to get back on Rainier - turned around at Camp Hazard on the Kautz due to avi cond. But really i'm into any glacier routes except the particularly crowded ones. Happy to drive, share my rope/ rack and foul-smelling tent. I work in the woods and may be slow to return emails, but i'll be around Sunday, Mon and tues until i find a partner or a solo project. Peace, zewell at uvm.edu
  6. Hey Thomas, My partner's headed for the redwoods this break - i'd rather climb. Not sure if your schedule is flexible enough to accomodate a trip in the 6/24-6/28 range but if so i'd love to return to Rainier. Went up to Hazard on 6/14 before backing out due to unstable slabs. Let me know what you think, if that date range works foranyone else out there feel free to email me - i would also be interested in pretty much any nice route in Oregon too. me: 24, ice climber from VT, have my own gear and some team equip, Hiked the PCT in 2006 and came back out this summer to climb some volcanoes. Working for OSU, living in Burns, OR
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