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Everything posted by tony.henley

  1. any time beetwen fri and tues I would love to stay over night i like to climb
  2. any time beetwen fri and tues I would love to stay over night i like to climb
  3. let me know when and where!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. hey anyone up to do some trad at vantage I here it is the only place to climb this time of year and also if any of you have any intel ( I have books on routes ) but like fav routes or any other info please let me know.
  5. hey does any one have a consolidated site for current avy conditins
  6. hey any one up for climbing willis wall this weekend? Not!!!!! lol
  7. anyone up for a climb this weekend ? just kidding!!! I'm dont have a death wish
  8. sweet I will be going alot getting ready for the summer and thanks!
  9. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. No offense, but what other times have you been up there? You seem to repeat this story frequently. I would seriously reconsider heading up to Muir at all in the next week and if you do go, stop in to the Ranger station a be sure to register. There have been many fatalities in conditions better than those that are currently in place on all aspects of the slopes leading to Muir. Again, I'm not trying to offend and would love to head out and do some rock climbing or something with you before taking on something as serious as a winter attempt on Rainier. Of the six times I've attempted it, the only unsucessfull attempts I've had have all been in winter and due to conditions less favorable than anything that will come up in the next few days. Stay home, stay safe, and educate. Root for the Patriots on Sunday with the family :tup: I have been to muir 4 time if you count this one but this was my frist winter atempt I went in that artic storm a few weeks ago and the MT kicked my ass as you all have read but I lernd alot from this trip and as soon as the conditions improve I will sure as hell try again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. hey all of you thanks for all of the info I am going out this weekend but yeah muir a well mabye in my dreams while I am sleeping I did some of my own checking and the only way I would think of going to the summit would be to take a helicopter LOL so thanks again for all of the info and concern. and I will probly stay in lower elev mabye around long mire for a little skining or a little shoing and it would be hann solo not darth god what kind of nerd are you (lol)
  12. yeah I got a new digatil cam just for this sort of thing
  13. wel as far as a route we will probly take the usal route from paradise, panarama, muir and I am a 13f and soon hopefuly I will soon go back to sfas and the q course so I can become an 18D and to couloir ha ha ha I uncloge my nose in your genral direction you filthy english connigit
  14. hey thanks as far as waking up that is the easy part its like guard duty one on one off and why wont a tent work I have the trango 2 and it is said to withstand like 80mph winds and as far as the acclimatization totaly I got used to that when I moved to co at 6500 ft from sea level and had to do pt every day let me tell you running sucks at altitude this was my frist solo atempet at muir I got an intro to rainer this day ti was the weekend that that artic front moved though no the best conditions to go in I know but had to go let me tel you a funny story (not my only trip up never sumited but I intend on going every weekend until I do. Well I didnt make the summit, but I did make it to muir or close to it. It was 10:10 pm (mind you I left at about 1:00pm crazy wind and cold white outs etc) by the time I made it to 10100 plus feet and was tired and cold. (being -22F I found out later) I dug my snow cave and unpacked my sleeping bag and found that my backup water bottle had some how sprung a leak and gotten my sleeping bag wet along the whole length of the zipper and baffle. It was soaking wet, I had to use my belay jacket and all of my extra cloths to keep warm, I even had to use my stove at one point to stay warm but, aside from all of that, I made it out with only minor frost nip on face and hands and on my toes no doctor visit needed so all and all it was a horbile trip but it could have been alot worse, and it proved at least to me that I am either phoney tough or crazy brave.(and I love it when it sucks and god I wish it would suck some more.)
  15. oh and by the way I like you quote "Embracing the suck" I live that every day its an army thing I was also in the marines fo 3 years so I am not hoah I am Gung Ho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I would like 5 or 6 (with one being an alternate incase someone cant make it) so 3-5 would be perfact what do you think all of the climbing i have done has been alone I have to solo most of the time all of my army frinds say "I camp for a living why would I want to do it in my free time" and my wifes idea of camping is the hilton so any and all advse would be great I am always listeing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. well I do plan On going out sunday, monday mabye to muir mabye not we shall see as far as all of the other commets thanks I will read the book and I am not with out knowlage and I should have been more spisific I a fair ammount of knowlage base but it is all in thde rockies I am putting together a team for the weekends of mar 1,2 or 8,9 ( i know it may take longer etc but that is the date) wanna join in Ive go two already a guy like me he has been to muir alot but never the summit and and old vet you guy wanna join, chicken?
  18. funny as much as live being all of your punching bag I really just want to climb am looking at the frist two weekends in march I have two people already commited anybody else? are you to chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. ha ha ha very funny adam sandler would be proud of you!
  20. well that would not be a winter acent no would it I will be safe and I hopefuly wont be alone god willing so dont fret but you are welcome to join me it will be fun I promise I wa planing to go this weekend (just on the MT mabye muir ) but i dont want to mess with the super high aval danger plus I am getting a new tatto but I wil go early next week when the weather is better
  21. thanks and to answer your Q's I belive I can it sunds like being in iraq excpt colder (lol) in all seriousness I want to try and if I dont sumit well if at frist you dont try try again.
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