Looking for a partner for climbing this fall... trad, alpine, sport, I like all of it. Hoping to get practice on ice this winter too (new vipers!!). I lead 10a/b trad and sport and can follow harder. I have rack, rope, car, and a house in Leavenworth till November.
Highlights of this season so far include: Angels Crest, Peasants Route, Exasperator at Squamish; Liberty Bell (NW), NEWS (NW) at WA pass; BBQ pope, Phoenix, etc at Smith; Angel Crack on Castle Rock, Outer Space, and other trad cragging in Leavenworth, etc.
I'm 27F, I live in Seattle, have a flexible schedule (and no work Fridays!), I’m a good belayer and love adventure!
PM if you want to climb too! Cragging Sunday?