Will Gadd: 30 Trips in 60 Minutes
Monday December 6, 7 pm
The Mountaineers Program Center, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle
$12 general/$8 Mountaineers member (includes a beer!)
Tix available by calling The Mountaineers, 206-521-6001
Up, down and through the world. Keep up with Will Gadd on trips ranging from trying to pick up Kate Beckinsale to setting world records in paragliding, climbing ice (icebergs, caves, mountains, 24 hours), and a whole whack of other stuff including, "How to climb harder in only two hours a week," "Training tips for the fat and lazy," and "Gear: pros and cons of shoplifting vs internet ordering."
And in his words, "Rated R for profanity, nudity and 'cause anything fun is R rated."
Promises to be a lively event... get your tickets soon!
The Mountaineers