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Everything posted by mike36

  1. Thanks for the help! These bindings seem to work just fine with A/T soled boots.
  2. Any body here use the Marker Baron binding with an A/T soled boot? I just picked up a set of fat powder skis with Baron bindings,that tapped me out so I am going to have to use my A/T boots for the time being,they seem to click in fine. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  3. PM sent.
  4. I have a pair of La Sportiva Nepal EVO's.They have seen alot of use this summer! What types/brands of leather conditioner is recomended?
  5. Oh Yeah and also make sure the bonfire os not going to catch the neighboors on fire!!!!!
  6. Make egg salad from fresh eggs,surf CCdotcom!!!
  7. Awesome story,I was teary eyed when I finished reading the article,way to go.
  8. Check out AMS (Alaska Mountaineering School),Their web address is climbalaska.org,Really nice people and top notch guides!
  9. I will take the alti mitts,PM sent.
  10. I have a set of BD vipers I bought them off ebay last year. They were both brand new,I used them a couple of times,decided that I like my Quarks better! One is a hammer head the other is an Adze head,they both have the lockdown leash's,pinky guards and the Titan picks. I want 265.00 for both,I will pay the shipping.I can provide pics. THe first "I will take em" gets em'
  11. I am in need of smoe advice or opinion. I have a pair of Koflach Expe's, I have a set of intuition Denali liners for them. THe intutions are super light and comfy,however when descending steep terrain my toes get hammered into the front of the liner,this gets quite uncomfortable after a while.Has anyone else had this happen with the Intuition liners? THis did not happen with the Koflach liners. I am considering a pair of Scarpa aveolite liners,anyone have these in a koflach boot? THe reason for all this is, I have a Denali trip in May and want to have my footgear sorted out. Any info would be appreciated.
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